Here I have for you the conversion of a DEUTZ DX 140 with Front Linkage
the basic model is derived from model eicher / schlueterfan
This here is my version of the DEUTZ DX 140 with Front Linkage
He has change tires, Pflugmod and one or the other Gimick , you can grow the "old" devices with Power adhesion attacher and the LS13 version PTO will be attacht both variants. Hint : . Respects times which is located on the rotating light in the interior : o)
The DX with its changing tires versatile whether on transport work or for heavy field work .
He then redid as I wanted to have like for me , un off thinking it is a V1 , o) Thank you
In ES Limiter Operating Hours , and was deliberately omitted.
Since there is already the most important scripts as " Global " Scripts
which protrude into their corresponding vehicles.
e.g. this one:
ES Limiter:
Manual Ignition :
and many others, and as most now use these scripts was to dispense with the installation .
So now, but enough fun with the mod
And for those who have to whine again .. The mod is the way I would like to have it .. If you do not like him , he invites not go down as easy as that !

1 Downloads in
11 years ago

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