A little arable land in Springvale
On this map, you have 14 fields to Bewirtschafften of these 14 fields are already in your possession , and two were already Planted with maize and barley.
There are very many free green areas which they can use to expand your requirement as farmland , a plow, or simply just as Gruenpfläche for grass or hay bales.
A village with a gas station and car wash is also enabled their Gerätschfften always thoroughly clean can after work .
Now I wuensche create you much fun and success Happy .
Pictures I have made a small art gallery ,
! Link to image gallery CLICK ME !
To the map !
Logfehler ? Are not known to me !
The map is a map completely rebuilt and is made with the patch 2.0 .
There are now 14 fields to be Bewirtschafften .
As usual for me the cow pasture ( right on the farm ) is also the sheep and of course the Federfieh :-)
The milk is picked up by the milk truck .
The farm was the best I could from an original rebuilt about 70 % agree that I think match
Existing details are eg:
road signs
The lanterns go in the dark to the village
Functioning traffic traffic
A small campground with a lake in the fish also to admire the views from time to jump out of the water in front of a
Houses have nt . Abens light on
Parked cars also have some light at night
and much more.
This map has the standard LS13 fruit varieties
The feed store is right on the pasture, grass and dung manure and bale Hächslegut you can in Gärterei Sell and get a little money for it ..
To get a loan from the bank to pay it back or you have to drive to the village nächstgelegende . ( anscheint the farmer has no internet yet :))
You can leave the fruit types as follows :
Country South trade : wheat barley rape maize potatoes beet eggs / still exists a small gas station
Bakery : wheat barley rape maize
GartenCenteri : Grass straw manure slurry Hächselgut hay and straw bales
Wool factory : Wool
Memory I: beets
Memory II: wheat barley rape maize potatoes
Memory I-II : also straw and hay bales and loose hay and straw
Gas station: washing refueling / village
Feldgrösen in HECTARE .. Consistent with the thresher of SFM !
Field No. 01 = 5.53 ha
Field No. 02 = 5.04 ha
Field No. 03 = 6.28 ha
Field No. 04 = 4.85 ha already in possession of fertilized / and barley Planted
Field No. 05 = 4.21 ha
Field No. 06 = 9.89 ha
Field No. 07 = 6.33 ha
Field No. 08 = 4.87 ha
Field No. 09 = 4.28 ha
Field No. 10 = 6.50 ha
Field No. 11 = 4.38 ha
Field No. 12 = 4.50 ha
Field No. 13 = 3.35 ha already in possession fertilized and / Planted with Corn
Field No. 14 = 4.20 ha
-------------------------------------------------- -------
In this map :
Liquid manure and dung Mod............ . / Marhu
WoolPaletteCollector........... . / Marhu
MapSiloBand Neu......................... . / Marhu
Pig farm Neu............ . / Marhu
WaterMod v3.0......................../Marhu
Zuckerfabrik........................... . / Trekkerbodo
Waschplatz............................. . / Matzesft
Ground Texturen..................... . / ZEFIR
Distance Hils.......................... . / Mailman
HofSilo / BGAsilo with 600.000Liter
Mist - Sale
Manure - Sale
Chopped - Sale
Village bank
No ! standard textures
No Logfehler !
Traffigfahrzeuge and pedestrian
Milk is collected !
Rot , decay : is Off
No other scripts needed are all included ! Only the GuelleMistMod.zip and superSiloTrigger.zip in modfolder !
Please remove before start of your modfolder to avoid all other ModScripte of other maps to error !
I have no horseshoes involved in the map and no Misionen !
Note !
* If Needed ! - Swine transport trailer : ............ http://www.modhoster.de/mods/joskin-betimax-rds-7500--2
* If Needed ! - Transport packaging for food storage : ..... http://www.modhoster.de/mods/transportpack-fuer-futterlager
* If Needed ! - Slurry Trailer Sales : ......................
* If Needed ! - SuperSiloTrigger.zip / Attached !
* If Needed ! - GuelleMistMod.zip / Attached !
Modempfehlung :
Milk Trailer Water Trailer: ................. http://www.modhoster.de/mods/milchtrailer-wassertrailer
Claas Lexion 770 TerraTrac Package: ... http://www.landwirtschafts-simulator.de/mod.php?lang=de&mod_id=163
Milk sell stop : ............................. http://www.modhoster.de/mods/stopmilksale / Prevents the automatic milk sales
AlternativeTipping ............................ http://www.vertexdezign.net/alternative-tipping/ !) , I do not have a stock pile of silage in the feed store !
To Sell the crap you can also take the little crown Emsland trailer from the feed storage pack !
Only use original download link !
Only with the original DL link in other forum !
A big thanks to all who made it possible to create the map with the new buildings !
All required mods are listed below:
And now have fun on the field :-) @ Funky
Subject to change !
It is not permitted to upload the map again !
This map may not be offered without the express permission ONLY HERE FOR MH !
Please support the campaign against ModKlau!
- 1 Downloads in
10 years ago
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