Finally, it is possible to do forestry work in Farming Simulator 2013. Plant trees, watch the grass growing and take the chain saw to cut down your trees.

1 Downloads in
10 years ago

do you have map for this mod?
hello. i have one question. where can i find pallet with trees?is there any extra mod?
@tom no there isnt a special map for this mod it works in every map
@tasos you can find the pallet in the shop
ok thx Rulley
i can´t open the claw witch Buttons are for claw controls??
very good mod but why the game crashes when i want to cut down trees?
i cant get it to work
Do you just put it in the mods file?
When ever I try to launch game with other mods along with the Forrest mod my map won't load so then I have to take all my mods out restart the game reload the map then. Quite the program put all mods back in folder for it then relaunch and load map. Anyone know how I fix it?
i cant find the trees to plant
A great mod but with a list of problems
1-the trailer connection with the tree planter and tractor fail sometimes
2-in the store the wood chipper will appear but it does not work also when you try to buy it, the store will say processing but not sell it to you
I can't get my claws to work either.
when i try to cut a tree down it just freezes and closes the game
tree planter want connect to my tractor
Moin es St einfach Geiel
hello how do I install forest mod 1.0. thanks
how do i open the claws ?
Jenz Hem freeze when i give logs on the desk for logs... how to restart him?
How to add the map in the game?
Game crashes for me too when I try to cut a tree.
Game crashes for me too when I try to cut a tree. Claws are controlled by using both left and right mouse buttons at the same time.
hey guys when I cut the tree the game crashes
ps: so this mod
can someone help me
my game also crashes when i try to cut down a tree
tree planter will not attach to any tractors
Good mod but why the game crashes when i want to cut down trees?
i can't cut the trees
heip me
Why the game crashes when i cut trees :(
Has anyone been able to make this mod work properly without crashing
Mine works fine. Everything works great besides I can not get my claws to work. I pushed every button possible. Can anyone help me one this problem?
Game crashes on me also when i try to cut down a tree otherwise everything else works awesome been waiting for a mod like this just cant cut trees
my game also crashes on me. have not been able try anything esle as have no tress to sheard. i can plant and load the planter not sure on anything else.
guys, where to the shop are pallets with trees?i can't find it anywhere....please help....
I like the mod except the game crashes when I try to cut a fully grown tree
same prob it all works fine but can not get the clwas to work
mod doesn't even install for me
only going by what ive seen on youtube, but i think the claws work by clicking both mouse buttons and moving mouse.
my game craschez when i try and cut trees
my game craschez when i fold tree
my game craschez when i fold tree
my game craschez when i try and cut trees
If the game crashes when you want to cut down a tree just install the latest update ( I was the same way and update all solved!
i got the latest update ( but i can still dont cut any trees my game still craschez!
maybe they should try and fix the mods because the tree planter will not attach to any tractors at all or can some one tell me what tractor will work with the tree planter
Try not planting so many trees once. If you down load from Mod DTS it tells you not to plant more than when your computer can handle. I planted 17 trees and mine worked fine, I just couldn't figure out my darn claws, but now I'm going to redownload the mod and try again.
My bad Down load from MODHUB from your career menu. Then click on DETA, I had no problems with anything from that sight.
Michael, ive not tried this, but the clip ive seen on youtube used the Ford 8340 which is in the Ford 40s series pack on FS-UK.
Try searching for "Farming Simulator 2013: Forest Mod - Mod Showcase" on youtube and the one i watched was the TCGG Rob clip, might help anyone who is stuck (apart from crashing).
i plant 1 tree and still the Game crashes
HOWDy you are briliant, ty man...
given up trying, game just crashes when red line appears on tree and you try cutting it.
When I try to buy any of the machinery it says "no space" even though I have nothing bought at all. Can anyone help me please I have been really struggling.
nice try but it not a ford 8340 tractor because try it and the tree planter still will not hook up to it
works fine with a ford 8340, also connected it up to the Axiom thats on here, the one that the bonnet lifts up on and also a JD but cant remember which one. Only problem im having is it crashing when you get to a certain distance from the tree with the chainsaw.
ive also tried messing about by removing mods/maps incase anything was causing a conflict but still crashes. It obviously does work going by the youtube video, and judging by the different issues and the fact some can get it to work, im more convinced that the actual download is fine, its either PC spec or mods etc, or soundcard issues etc.
You don't have to delete mods. You can go to Documents, My Games Farming Simulator 2013, then rename the mods folder mods1. Then create a new folder named mods and put the mod in there. The game only reads the mod folder. If you wish to keep some mods you can just transfer them to the renamed mods folder and have them. Then when you want the regular mods you had before back you can just rename the folder mods1 to mods, and name the mods folder to mods1. Basically a switch.
try that and still not hooking up and by the way that is a new holland t 190 tractor that the tree planter is hook up on
Hallo der Forstmod ist der hammer mein Problem ist nur wenn ich die Kettensäge drehe zum sägen stürzt gleich nach dem tasten druck mein spiel komplett ab würde mich um eine schnelle antwort und hilfe freuen danke
For anybody that don't know how to open and close the claws on the weideman (probably on all the claws):
press the left and right mouse button at the same time and move the mouse forward/backwards.
You can make them open faster or slower with the numpad + and -
To make it stop crashing.... update your Video and Sound drivers.... Worked for me
How do u cut trees down without it kicking me out I have tried everything??????
How do u update the video and sound drivers?
if you have a tree to see, and your game crashes, you should download the new version of this mod can be found at
Thank you Kees, can now cut trees down without it crashing.
I cannot download anything from that site because I have vista and it wont let anything from there work. So I need another option
Does anyone know how to open rar files??. Need help
winrar / 7-zip etc etc
I have winrar and it still wont let me open them also what is the answer to game crashing when I cut trees down
download the updated version from the link Kees posted.
I cant download from there because I have vista
Is that version on any other site
i dont know.
If u or anyone finds out please tell me. Also with the farming simulator mod site is there anyway vista can download from there I've tried everything I can think of.
when you say wont let you download, what exactly does it do? what message if any, does it give you?
need to go offline for a bit so might miss your reply, you could try the following if its refusing to d/l them........
Launch Internet Options from Control Panel. Click the Security tab. Select the Internet zone. Click the Custom Level button. Scroll down to the Miscellaneous group. Find the item "Launching Applications and unsafe files". Is it set to "Disable"? Then change it to "Prompt" and click OK.
might be something completely different to that, but google seems to bri
Im not much of a computer person it only allows me to download if I have windows or mac something.
it keeps crashing when I try to cut trees so I will try the link that kees gave
and worked the link that i gave?
Is there any other link
Where do I tip the wood chip
If you can not cut the trees down cause the game crashes, download the update from Framing Simulator. Its at the top of their menu says updates Happy logging !
It wont let me download from there it says im forbidden and I think its because I have vista
This is too Name. When I download stuff from farming-simulator it says forbidden you dont have permission to access/modhub/storage/00000197/BranterDPW18000.exe on this server
sometimes clearing cache/cookies will fix that, sometimes using a different browser will, you could also try using a proxy.
I have tried it with different browser. Also what is a proxy.
your PCs IP address (postcode/zipcode for an easier understanding if unsure), could be blocked by the site. A proxy changes your IP address which could mean you might be able to download. Plenty of free ones if you google.
Thanks for all the help but sadly it still wont work.
how you can plant the threes
I can't get the logs to stay on the trailers. The vibrate off the back of the trailer before I get it full. Tried 4 different trailers.
Atleast yours work
How do i get this mod to even work i can down load it but when i put in mods folder it will not work? does not show up for me to buy anything. Do i need a certian map to get this to work?? what is going on? is it because it has "13" instead of "9"??
Zach just commented in other thread. Make sure when you download it, you dont unzip it, just drag it to the mods folder. Also make sure its called aForestMod because if you have downloaded it more than once and its called aForestMod(x) it wont work. I had problems with crashing (on version 1) and not showing up in shop (because of the name), but works fine now. Only thing i need to check is someone said that if you have pigs installed on the map, they disappear when you open the save game.
Steve i just completly deleted all mods but the one i wanted and re-downloaded it this and still do not see it in the shop? what catagory are these mods under?
Whats wrong with my safegame?
C:/Users/BJM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/aForestMod/skripts/HarvestableTrees.lua(189) : attempt to index local 'trunk2' (a nil value)
i have no problems everything works fine i just downloaded it off the official farm sim 2013 site and dragged it into mods folder launched my game and it all works fine
also the mods are under mods by type then cycle through it to find foresry equipment
if you have a problem with the chainsaw, replace the trunk.lua file in the modfolder-scripts, replace with this: . it works fine after.
if you cant attach the seeder, buy Everything in the forest folder then buy the seeder and try. if you dowloaded the holzback, you need buy that first in order to use the seeder. thats a bug.
When I try to launch the map for the first time it never stops loading. I've been waiting for 20 minutes now..
My problem starts when I go to cut wood, everything works fine, until the next load savegame, then the game stays at Loading screen and that's it, or loaded to end or report a bug, and I do not know what to do to fix it, and the mode was removed from the official website
Hey guys
I have one problem and that is when i use my mobile chipper sometimes I'm to fast so my chipper is getting stuck and he wont chip any more
i cant get the wood claw to open what button is it?
complant PLEASE fix the MOD
PLEASE look at PHOTO 9 cant use the jenz wont hook up to tractor and the tree seeder is the same way and the saw no fuel icon PLEASE HELP... PLEASE update the mod thank you
Hoe kan ik de knijpbak in en uit doen dan en rond draaien van de knijp bak grt mark
can you/s convert the forest mod pack for 2015 as the log grabs are rubbish in 2015 and the stump grinder ahwi ksh700 in this mod pack is fantastic and would love to see it in 2015 hope you can convert them
many thanks
multi player?
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