First download link is the main one ( AiO the installer ) version 3.2.6 ! The second link is the update from version 3.2.x to version 3.2.6 ! The second link is the 7Zip file for version 3.2.6 (for those who do not like installers or from Mac users are ) ! Mac users can use to unpack Keka
Who has played the version 3.2.0 only requires the update , which is then not necessary to download the complete package !
Link to : Support and Release main thread
Link to : Help , Tips and Tricks Thread
This card was made by my own tastes and ideas , some people have brought to me ideas which I then also realized that , but basically the card is as I have wolltel . If someone does not fit as I 've built the map then that someone must not download this map , I do not force anyone to downloading this map and certainly not to play them. For constructive criticism, I am of course open! I ask each before he asks a question to the card and its functions , through to at least read the description along with the HM13 FAQ and help thread. So should normally be answered dei most questions . I will not answer questions that are discussed in the description or the Help Thread ! Also, I will not answer support requests by PM or by comment card function , this is the release thread there. I'm also assuming that everyone here reads this description AT LEAST so he knows the basic things in advance ! If you can not read (which there really !) Which can be please read this so he knows what it is and what's coming ! Support only in the release forum , not in other forums , not in other forums via PM , not on other sites via PM ... And please people , be reasonable once : DO NOT REUPLOAD , uses the original download link is not so difficult .
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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions Which version do I need to play the card to play? It is the 2.0 patch for LS13 needed ! The fruit rot on this card? , Rotting of fruits on this map is currently disabled. Whether it will be enabled again I do not know. The time can not be set faster than 15 times ! Then everything works correctly , because this is intended , at night it is a little faster to work . With which devices can I edit / use the new fruits ? Every normal Drescher, any normal cutting (no corn head ) , each and every Sähmaschine trailer / trailer can use the new silo fruits . Onions and carrots can only be used by specially adapted versions of sowing and Erntern and trailers. For what fruit I need what equipment ? Each Silofrucht , apart from maize times can a normal cutter , thresher , trailer and Sähmaschine be processed / used as fertilizer and seed. Oats , rye , millet , spelled, soybeans and poppy are not a problem for these devices. Only onions and carrots, as well as potatoes and sugar beet, require special equipment (included in VehiclePack ) . I can not open the shop or the shop closes always immediately when I will.Um open it to open the shop must already go to the dealer / go and enter the sales area, go there to buy symbol and the corresponding key (default configuration key R ) . press This is by design . If I put my vehicles back they are not in the yard ? That is correct , they are the merchants in the yard or on the deck. This is by design. My tractor / thresher runs slower than on other cards , since there are 2 options :
Check -wheel , all-wheel switch if necessary
The vehicle has been damaged , the more the damage is , the slower the vehicle , the other also increases the fuel consumption with higher damage. Remedy is then to repair the vehicle.
A vehicle / equipment is damaged to 100% and can not be removed , what to do , it is a repair or towing service needs , the following vehicles may automatically receive or the repair function can be used as a tow ? :
Opel Astra ADAC
Mercedes Sprinter CDI technology AGRAVIS
Scania tow
T5 and T5 ADAC ADAC tow
Mercedes Benz Vario 614D ADAC
IFA W50 tow ( Privatmod )
Do I need special trailer to the water and fuel tanks to be filled on the farm No, it can be used the original GIANTS trailer , but I recommend for larger quantities the Kaweco pack. I can not fill the fuel trailer at the gas transport trailer which can be filled at appropriate fuel tanks at refueling points . Tanks for filling of trailers are available at the Agrola gas station in the village and the tank farm at the port.
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I found a mistake ! ( How do I report bugs)
Error Description | When, Where , What has been done
If necessary evidence / possible with a screenshot
If it is not just a graphic error placing an act or a log file should be linked with !
This log file should however to keep things clear , not be included in the post as text but best at a file hoster ( are enough of them free ) uploaded and a link will be inserted in the posting.
Then have a little patience , I do not sit 24 hours before my PC !
And still what , this is important gaaannnzzz : Eliminate the error is in the Fremdmods , ie : If an error occurs then all other mods are NOT included or linked by me in the installer remove it from the mods directory . The error still occurs , even without these mods THEN , and only THEN really , the problem is to post !
---------------------------------- --------------- CHANGELOG ------------------
( 3.2.6 ) Fendt SWW Spawn issue fixed stacker (Thanks to Repi )
( 3.2.6 ) BGA fixed blade discharge
( 3.2.6 ) receives all the BGA now discharged with shovel
( 3.2.6 ) 2 traffic lights away in the village of
Fixed ( 3.2.6 ) Country Trade Zone 40
( 3.2.6 ) Wheel Lanes reworked due Saatzerstörung
( 3.2.6 ) discharge at the BGA is now paid and silage and chopped
( 3.2.6 ) extended grass growing season
( 3.2.6 ) vehicles with 4 wheel steering can also be moved without AWD now
( 3.2.6 ) in field 11 field boundaries fixed ( 10 possession error field )
( 3.2.6 ) train station - entrance speed changed
Created ( 3.2.6 ) NavMesh the new sheep
( 3.2.6 ) [NEW ] vehicles require regular oil changes
( 3.2.6 ) [NEW ] Oil palettes are included , oil change in workshop possible (oil pallets of me scripts of JoXXer )
( 3.2.6 ) [NEW ] Vehicle Pack Classic Pack and now with DustWheels (by Eifok team ) equipped [ thanks to Repi !]
( 3.2.6 ) [NEW ] car wash (not included Karcher ) the farm ( by SLJ - agricultural ) set up for hand washing
From ( 3.2.5) Plane of Water wrong version 3.2.4er
( 3.2.5) Fixed carrot + onion stock level barrier
( 3.2.5) corrects the erroneous Fruchthuds 3.2.4er version
Fixed ( 3.2.4) Fendt SWW Call Stack Error loading
Improved ( 3.2.4 ) Fruit calculate prices in the market collapse of another fruit
( 3.2.4) and Grimme Tectron Maxtron Invalid ComponenteJointIndex bug fixed
( 3.2.4) can now again supplied Krampe BBS900 grass discharge
( 3.2.4) set up display of the balance statistic (global and local ) for high number of users ( Please read the description of the scale to the Help Topic )
( 3.2.4) BGA slightly revised ( increased placement of objects + consumption , not properties )
Revised ( 3.2.4) Abladetrigger for seed and fertilizer on the farm
( 3.2.4) diesel prices ( from - to) were not displayed in the list ( F9 )
( 3.2.4) extended and corrected overview display
( 3.2.4) installed as the new nursery station for sale dung , manure, chopped silage and onions
( 3.2.4) completely revised handbrake function will also work with future vehicles Modhoster
( 3.2.4) of the Bach fleißt again from both sides , faulty shader was exchanged
( 3.2.4) automatic repair function for loading the Snorkels Kuhn SPV
( 3.2.4) Fixed bug unloading pig
( 3.2.4) for users of the Trailer Scale Mod improvements were incorporated
( 3.2.4) Fixed price calculation for fruit and chopped silage
( 3.2.4) in the amended Plan potato / Rübben and carrot / onion camps for the purpose of collision detection
( 3.2.3) Fixed scale , weight is recorded correctly
( 3.2.3) helper now stop working when the tank is empty
( 3.2.3) Power stage 2 is no longer set to 100%
( 3.2.3) installed Latest from pig Marhu
( 3.2.3) of pig manure now also be loaded by conveyor belt
( 3.2.3) idle speed is now synchronized correctly in MP mode
( 3.2.3) corrected position of the mission objective at the port of export
( 3.2.3) of a fruit market breakdown can now not equal to the other prices rise
( 3.2.2) helper consume at fertilization fertilizer now
( 3.2.2) fertilization in the helper mode is switched off when no fertilizer is loaded
Inserted ( 3.2.2) Füllwarnung of fertilization in the warning display
( 3.2.2) field edge detection works correctly in MP mode
( 3.2.2), job performance ( hectare meter ) now works correctly in MP mode
( 3.2.2 ) Grass set lower
( 3.2.2) can now XDisc the new cereal chaff (rye , spelled , oats , millet )
Reduced ( 3.2.2) diesel consumption of vehicles by 28.5 %
Introduced ( 3.2.2 ) Lowest price phases
( 3.2.2) Kroger SRB35 repaired
Installed ( 3.2.2) configuration file for manual settings option ( the mods folder is created )
( 3.2.2) some static light sources ( only at night ) installed , some new models : MapBeleuchtung by MrFox
( 3.2.2) improved network traffic in multiplayer
( 3.2.2) HUD displays are now correctly synchronized
Installed ( 3.2.2) support the MapHoseRef station ( Eifok team )
( 3.2.2) installed 18 meters scale by 2x Repi
Realigned ( 3.2.2) Country Trade charging station
( 3.2.2) can now correctly buy goods at the loading station in MP mode
( 3.2.2) Warning repaired at low level for diesel Drescher
Placed ( 3.2.2 ) New billboards
( 3.2.2 ) Manual shutter doors / gates / doors are now open ONLY on foot
Improved ( 3.2.2) response time of the scheduled rolling gates / barriers
================================================== ===== Description of the config file : In the configuration file , which is created in the mods folder , individual HUD elements can be deactivated . However, only the ads are disabled , not stopped their calculations . To turn off the display of the value of the entry ( default true) must be set to false. Following HUD displays can be disable :
Performance (hectares ) display
Diesel consumption display
Operating hours and Odometer
Speed step limiter
Speed display
Hand brake indicator
four-wheel display
damage display
Global warning display
Furthermore, there is still one option to match Relevant to change things : it was new 3.2.2 Static light sources on the map added with the update which turn on automatically at night. If someone they do not want or have performance problems with these bulbs you can with the LightSourcesOnMap this option (default = true) off (false). This setting is client side . ============================================= The whole package ========== I packed in a handy installer , some call it setup file , whatever ... Who cares that he was to get from me to the map support register in my forum must the one be said: IT'S FREE , ABSOLUTELY FREE , COST NOTHING , DOES NOT interested WEH IS YOUTH FREE, NOTHING ILLEGAL , TOTALLY HARMLESS ! And you get help faster than you think ...

1 Downloads in
11 years ago

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