Hagenstedt USA style v3.1


Hagenstedt_usa_style_V3 is a remake of the default map but with building from the titanium addon

what we have is a total makeover of the village it now looks like a american small town 

installed pigs and cattle sheep and cows are in the middle of the map also includes 3 mixstations

and storage area.


Titanium Add-on Assets by GIANTS Software GmbH is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Please link to http://www.ls-mods.de/fs13TitaniumAddonAssets.php

blacky BPG - Digitalanzeige was resized to fit the big notice board hope you don,t mind BPG

if i have left any credits out let me know.


GIANTS Software GmbH - Titanium Add-on Assets
Creative Commons Attribution - Titanium Add-on Assets
Titanium Add-on Assets by GIANTS Software GmbH is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Please link to http://www.ls-mods.de/fs13TitaniumAddonAssets.php
marthu - watermod
marthu - wool pallet collector
marthu - mapsiloband
marthu - mixstation
marthu - Schweinemast V 1.0.3
ls-2013modding - Cattle Fattening
power74 - new silo
blacky BPG - Digitalanzeige Für Silofüllstand V 3.2.0 Für GE
Aerocool1 - Railway Yard Sale

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