Here is the Fiat Hitachi FH200 Excavator converted information from Farming Simulator 2011 This is not my mod, the creator is unknown. It's $ 25K in the farming shop.

1 Downloads in
10 years ago

Where did you get to bucket in the pics? it didnt come with that bucket in the download
Where is the bucket
The bucket with the grab is from the Cat 262C Mod and the other bucket is from the Deutz tractors. I took these pics.
The bucket with the grab is from the Cat 262C Skid Steer Mod and the other bucket is from the Deutz tractors. I took these pics.
how do you extend the arm i can only move the arm up and down and move the bucket?
last month I try to convert it but its difficult thank's a lot.
le mois dernier j'ai essayer de le convertir j'ai eu du mal j'avais reussi pour les accessoires.
il peut soulever des remorques et on peut tout attacher moissonneuse charrue semoir
c'est du bon boulot .good job
i am trying to find out how to extend the hoe arm , also how to spin the cab?
does any one know
all controls are mouse controls.
its not on a mac cis it only moves the bucket and the arm up and down it won't extend or turn the cab
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