John Deere 9770 STS. Combine for American market.
- Full lighting
- Straw Spec -> Press M
- ES Limiter
- Manual Ignition -> Press KP Enter
- Real Exhaust Particle System
- Threshing Counter
- Indoor Sound
- New File Size!
- View for grain in the tank
- DrivingParticleSystem (Dust from wheels)
- New Skin. New wheels size. Now is the connection between the wheels.
- And other...
Cutter John Deere 640D has Fruit Animation. Working width is 11 meters.
Important Informations
* Engine Power: 378 HP
* Grain tank capacity: 11800 l
* Daily Upkeep: 315 || Price: 262000
* Fuel tank capacity: 750
+ Please Keep Original Download Link!

1 Downloads in
10 years ago

This is really pathetic! Up to v2.0 and it still has the same major problem that it had at v1.0 ... only works with the supplied grain platform ... anything else won't attach! It's even worse in this version, not only did it not attach right in other versions but now it doesn't even attach period!
Please for the love of God .... someone fix the header attachment problem!
I like this single wheel version better than the dual wheel version but the only version that works correctly seems to be the dual wheel version.
Until the header attachment problem is corrected which doesn't ever seem likely .... don't even waste your time downloading this mod!
I fixed the attachment problem ...
Here's how to make the fix .... very simple ....
Open your zip file...
Find JD9770STS.i3d file .... open with notepad.
Use Notepad's "Find" feature and type "attach" and press enter.
Now your looking at this which is causing the problem ...
TransformGroup name="attacherJointRot" translation="0 0.9 3.37874" rotation="-18 0 0" nodeId="125"
TransformGroup name="attacherJointRot1" translation="0 -0.127131 2.07124" nodeId="126"
TransformGroup name="attacherJoint" translation="0 -2.33147e-015 3.55271e-015" rotation="90 -90 -90" nodeId="127"
Now the correction ....
TransformGroup name="attacherJointRot" translation="0 0.9 3.37874" rotation="-18 0 0" nodeId="125"
TransformGroup name="attacherJointRot1" translation="0 -0.446579 2.07124" nodeId="126"
TransformGroup name="attacherJoint" translation="0 -2.33147e-015 3.55271e-015" rotation="-1.0857e-006 270 0" nodeId="127"
.... copy and paste these three lines and save JD9770STS.i3d .... problem is fixed ... posted pics to prove it =)
Still other minor issues ... like ESLimiter missing command in modDesc.xml ... alone with other stuff.
Someone seriously needs to test their mods before dumping them for download and wasting peoples time.
I added "real exhaust" script which was missing even though description says otherwise =)
It had dynamic exhaust though if that's what was meant.
Fixed script errors in modDesc.xml .... removed manualIgnition script so normal manual iginition mod would work.
Only thing left is to add additional grain planes to make it multi-fruit =)
That "640FD" combine head is a weird one ... after correctly the problem ... the "640FD" still attaches but not positioned correctly so I see why the attacher joint was altered just for that one specific head which screws up the attachment of other combine mod heads that attach correctly.
Update ... combine now has matching grain planes, threshing & pipe particles for soybeans, green wheat, oats, rye, sunflower, triticale, sorghum/millet. Still fine tuning some of the threshing particles.
Also, corrected the non-functioning ESLimter ... it didn't work either.
If guys want ... I can upload what I've fixed/altered if it's ok with the original owner of the mod?
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