JoPimMap v6.0


It is a converted Hagenstedt!

39 fields
Sale stations:
- Port
- Land Commercial
- Schlachhof
- Restaurant
- Freight station
- Garden Centre
- spinning
- mill
( - Dairy )
3 Mähbare meadows
2 Start fields
Pig and cattle fattening
Cattle grazing on the farm
small BGA on the farm
large BGA zukaufbar
Abbreviations to section 8 and to the freight depot
Rounder fields , adapted to landscape
Open slaughterhouse of 6-22 clock
Garages and warehouses with gates to open ( key o)
Small Field border huts with trigger to fill the fertilizer and Saatmaschienen
Mixing stations with rotating and extendable Entladerüssel
( To achieve Tend to your livestock with water to more productivity) WaterMod
Wool pallet stocker
feed storage
Scoreboard with Silofüllständen
Many storage facilities on the farm for a large fleet
Manure and slurry sale at the Regional Trade
Manure, straw and Heuverkauf at the garden center
Fillable farm diesel tank
Dynamic diesel prices ( see prices at petrol station)
Car wash and gas station next to large agricultural machinery dealers
Only Mähmissionen available
Wither is OFF
Away Some collisions at field Middle trees

Changelog from v5.1 to v6.0:
    Adapted of landscape
    Feed storage rebuilt ( No stock more for feed , as can also be tilted back into the compound feed plant back )
    Silage sales away (This again is the price at the BGA silage no longer in the basement )
    Built fence at the country store
    Start vehicles changed little
    Removed more collisions of field Middle trees
    PDA display for straw and Heuverkauf disabled , thus no great demand more then
    Here and there a few little things

Required Mods:
    Transportation for pigs and cattle
    Tipper can load the manure , silage and mixed feed
    Slurry manure transporter for sale

Patch 2.0 or higher nessesary

    To use the large BGA you will first need to buy ( this is done by you buy box 6) , Sales Trigger is located right in front of the roller door of the BGA .
    The slaughterhouse only works in two shifts , so it is open only 6-22 clock . A delivery outside the opening times is not possible.
    To use the Hoftankstelle these must first be filled with diesel
    The washer only works with washable mods !

JoPimMap is the property of JoPim and should not be uploaded without my permission on other platforms or conversion


WaterMod v3 - Marhu
WoolPaletteCollector v1.3.1 - Marhu
MapSiloBand v2.5.2 - Marhu
Schweinemast v1.0.3 - Marhu
Schlachterei v1 - Funky
Futterlager v1.2 - frisco0177
Waschanlage v1.0 - buchhauer
MischStation v2.3.4b - Marhu
Waage für Maps v1.0 - Alex2009
Schwerlastregal - Ganelcer
Gras Textur v1.0 - Agrotron
Weizen, Gerste, Raps, Mais, Kartoffel und Zuckerrüben Texturen - Eribus (Forgotten Plants V1)
Bodentexturen v 3.5 - ZeFir
Digitalanzeige für Silofüllstände v3.2.0 - Blacky BPG & Blackburner
PDAfix v2.4 - Marhu
BGA für Kleinbetriebe v 1.0 - Typho0n
Open Door Trigger v 4.1.7 - Blacky_BPG
GasStation Trigger Extended v 4.1.7 - Blacky_BPG
Garage - Joerg_B

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