Kenworth Flatbed FS13


Kenworth flatbed transporter. This truck can be used to manually load and haul straw and grass bales of all types, equipment and implements, wool pallets, and seed bins.

The truck can also be used to tow gooseneck trailers, and tag trailers and wagons of all types.

For heavy loads and trailering large equipment there are extra weights and oversize load flagging.

Other features include lock down, dynamic attacher for wool pallets, liftable tag axle, jake brake, hazard and indicator lights, operable cover plate on the flatbed for the gooseneck hitch.

**Because of Giants physics, truck should be kept under 30km/h when hauling wool pallets only due to limits of the dynamic attacher.

Key "O" - Lockdown
Key "V" - Operate lift axle
Key "T" - Extra Weight
Key "8" - Hitch Cover
Key "Numpad Enter" - Jake Brake
Key "H" - Air Horn


Models - BigCountry, Looseterror (truck), ThompsonM06 (flatbed)
Scripts - BigCountry
Specializations - TwistedGA, Sven777b, Geri-G, PeterJ
Assembly - BigCountry

Special thanks to Bullethead and JD4440man for MP testing and Looseterror for assistance.

Please do not Upload anywhere else. Thanks.

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