Kenworth T908 Truck


TSF3 team présent a part of the new Glenvar Mod: Kenworth T908 Truck

Kenworth T908 truck, the truck for your roadtrains and more, a best seller in Australia with hi 650HP cummins motor.
Built in Australia in the bayswater factory in victoria state, heavy truck for heavy trailers. Here customize in Mc ALEESE transport colors.

- turn and warning lights
- brake light
- reverse lights
- additional lights


3D Model: Fendtbreizh22
Texture: Fendtbreizh22
Ingaming: Fendtbreizh22
Sounds: Giants and Fendtbreizh22 (sounds are found on youtube videos)

- Beleuchtung v3: Sven777b

Special thanks to the TSF3 team for help and support

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