Kleinaspe goes Hasenmoor v1.0


Moin Moin
Here is the V1 of the Kleinaspe goes Hasenmoor
I have fixed several bugs, they built further
furthermore now possible cow pasture as the one true and feeding of dairy cattle!
which can now be done in Milchviehlstall.
- Villages
- Agricultural machinery trade
- Biogaslanlage
- An arable farm
- Dairy farms

Built on a North German plain. In the circle of Schleswig Holstein!
For other errors, please send me a message!
a rest of the map is not yet built .. Since I will continue to build in the future, and extend it!
The PDA is now also available so that you can easily and quickly orient themselves.
I wish you have a lot of fun with the map!
until the next version



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