Krone BigX 1100 Beastpack v11.0 Beta by Bullgore


Table of Contents ( NOTE: Please read ! )
1: Preface
2: Pack contents
3: Specifications
4: Functions & Keyboard Layouts
5: WIP Thread and error collection
6: Known Bugs
7: For the future
8: Review your update history
1: Preface
The Beast Pack project , there are now almost 3 years, restive , the Pack has evolved and improved. It is equally proceed.
I will use for the duration of the project this ad for more versions so beautiful "watch " so press it stays on the neuensten state . Under point 8, I 'll list the other updates.
So until here first thanks to all of you who helped with the for the feedback and the people to realize the project .
2: Pack contents
- Crown WIX 1100 Beast
- Crown ÜLW dolly 3 Axle prototype
- Krone Easy Flow pickup
- Krone Easy Collect corn head
- Crown XDisc cutting for Grass and Grain
- Noname Header Trailer

3: Specifications
- Size 34.83MB
- Vram BigX1100 19.1MB / ÜLW Dolly 3.9MB / 9.5MB Pickup
4: Functions & Keyboard Layouts
Please be careful on the right device for you if what you want on / switch, the Hud note in the upper left corner and the her!

- Power PTO
- Hektar counter
- Greenstar driving aid cabin
- (BIGX must be selected) Indoor Sound
- Lighting work light (BIGX must be selected) button KP_4 & KP_6
- Throttle limiter idle (BIGX must be selected) button KEY_comma & KEY_period
- Duals (BIGX must be selected) button KEY_9
- Chains Trac Soucy (BIGX must be selected) button KEY_6
- Rear Weight (BIGX must be selected) button KEY_B
- Pipe show (BIGX must be selected) O key
- Laser-Start Assist (EasyCollect must be selected) button KEY_5
- Open Dolly bunker and close (Dolly must be selected) button M
- Dolly bunker turn (Dolly must be selected) button X
- Dolly bunker ÜLW Trailerlift axis (Dolly must be selected) button KEY_v
5: WIP Thread and error collection
Hier findet ihr alle Informationen zu dem Projekt
Und hier bitte alle Mängel und Fehler posten
6: Known Bugs
- One should not Dolly switch the rear weight, if all this is too easy at the rear, can in KroneBigX1100BeastPack_BigX1100.xml the value centerOfMass = "0 0 -0.35" from -0.35 to eg Provide -0.45, then lifts her behind not look.
- Texture BigX needs to be revised
- Pickup collides visually when activated with the chains
- Indoor sound works only when you have provided equipment to BigX
- So far, only the chopper HELPER has received the complete renovation and later the Mouse Control BigX is equipped with everything, it is disabled until then ...
- This craft pack you have to make some compromises, it is still a long way to the "Perfect" Beast Pack ...
7: For the future
- Texturing BIGX new
- Customize sounds
- Adapting the Driving Characteristics
- Pickup Adapter for longer distance to the chains
- New XDisc and cutting unit carriage
- IC and Camera
- Purchasable chains
- Purchasable Duals
- ...
8: Review your update history
After a year , it is time again for a little update , driving behavior is still not optimal but it is no longer think is flying through the area.
So much fun with the pack and Happy Easter :)

Changelog 04/19/2014 0.05Uhr V.11.0 Beta:
- Patch 2.1 rdy Giants
- Fixed sound errors
- Aiautocombine.lua dolly revised for Autocombine
- Washable, 5 hours
- Odometer disabled , there is Global on MIG-Map Pack
- Dirt textures created
- Fixed sound errors
- Weight set correctly , flying through the air is fixed now
- Rdy XDisc clover and alfalfa
- Adjusted sound volume
- All-wheel disabled
- Fixed l10n error
- Chains no longer float
- I3D 's XML and tidy , renamed etc
- Store revised data
- Fixed problems when reversing
- Mouse Control WIX been deactivated for now
- Easy Flow Scriptfix
- Revised item 6 & 4 here in the description


v11.0 Jun 2013/ April 2014
- Bullgore, Eribus, Biedens, Upsidedown, Kubo
- Patch Giants 2.1 rdy
- Sound Fehler behoben
- aiautocombine.lua dolly überarbeitet für Autocombine
- Waschbar, dauert 5 Stunden
- Odometer deaktiviert, gibt es Global siehe MIG-Map Pack
- Dirt Texturen erstellt
- Sound Fehler behoben
- Gewicht korrekt eingestellt, durch die Luft fliegen ist nun behoben
- XDisc Klee und Luzerne rdy
- Sound Lautstärke angepasst
- Allrad deaktiviert
- l10n Fehler behoben
- Ketten schweben nicht mehr
- I3D´s und XML aufgeräumt, umbenannt etc
- Shopdaten überarbeitet
- Probleme beim Rückwärtsfahren behoben
- Mauscontrol BigX vorerst deaktiviert
- Easyflow Scriptfix

V10 Feb 2013/ April 2013
- Neuen BigxX 1100 integriert von Johni6530
- Scripte verbaut Odometer,Gaslimiter,Indoorsound etc.
- Scripte überarbeitet
- Fahrverhalten neu angepasst
- Ketten BigX verbaut
- Zwillingsräder verbaut
- XML Tuning
- Textur von BigX etwas dunkler gestellt
- ...


Krone EasyFlow 380 eingebaut März 2013

Modell: Pille?!
AO / Textur: Pille?!
Scripts: milan1702976 (
Partikel-System: Eifok-Team
Tuning/Performance: Lordtex/Milan(
Tester: Ostsee75, Lindemann, Bullgore,Pille?!,Illuminated,FSM-Chefkoch
HomePage: http://www.modding-kü


Indoorcam tiefer gestellt
STX zum Einblenden verbaut
Gewicht erhöht

Hektarzähler verbaut

Lenkgeschwindigkeit gesenkt
Beschleunigung eingestellt
Fahrverhalten angepasst
Gewicht wie in LS11 eingestellt wg. Ülw
Sounds etwas überarbeitet
Powershaft installiert
Powershaft ÜLW Kabel verlängert
Kameraradius erhöht
HUD´s angepasst


Umbau Twinwheels April 2012:

>>> by Repi <<<
Urmodell: SFM-Modding
Neu aufbau: Repi
Script: SFM-Modding

- Neue Felgen mit neuer AO Textur
- Palette neu angepasst



Umbau Krone EasyCollect 1053 Jan2012:
>>> by Michi <<<
Umbau mit Fruitanimation: Michi
Umbau in neues EC:byBullgore
cam einbau Modhosterteam

Umbau SoundSet & Anpassung Motor: Knechi
ExaustPrticleSystem Edit: Knechti



Umbau Krone Häckselbunker Jan2012:

>>> by Repi <<<
Modell ITS26: cyber11
Umbau, Textur: Repi
Ingame, Animationen: Repi
Aufbau Script und LS11 rdy: sKyDaNcEr
Scripte: sven18koehler, fruktor, Sven777b

- komplett neuer Unterbau aufgebaut auf den Agroliner ITS26 (dank an cyber11
- komplett neue AO Texturen und Decals (Repi)
- Häckselbunker komplett neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- komplett neue Animationen (Repi)
- I3D komplett neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- XML neu strukturiert (Repi)
- cam einbau Modhosterteam

Umbau Krone XDisc6200 Jan2012:

Urmodell: raptor
Teil neuaufbau: Repi
Neue AO Textur & Decals: Repi
Ingame & Animationen: Repi
Scripte: Sven777b, Alex2009, Ellinor Ström

>>> by Repi <<<
- Modell teilweise neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- Neue AO Textur mit Decals (Repi)
- I3D neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- XML neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- Animationen eingefügt (Repi)
Umbau Krone BigX1100 Beast Dez2011 / Jan2012:

>>> by Repi & Bullgore <<<
Modell: Giants
Modell umbau, neue AO und Decals: Repi
Animationen neu angepasst: Repi
Scripte: Face, Alex2009, Sven777b, John Deere 6930, fruktor

- Modell komplett neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- Neue AO Textur mit Decals (Repi)
- I3D neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- XML neu aufgebaut (Repi)
- Animationen neu eingefügt (Repi)
- Joystick by BlackFox, AO Textur Joystick by Repi
- Lua´s verbaut, XML Tuning by Bullgore

>>> by Alex2009(, <<<
- GreenStar Einbau überarbeitet
- GreenStar auf V1.1 geupdatet

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Commented on 2015-02-10 13:40:36

I need the version for 21015 please and can make the mods thanks to you

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