Landwehr Canal v1.3 extended


Because today is your birthday ... How ? You have no birthday today ?
But something was but a year ago today ? ... Correct, the Two Rivers Map has indeed birthday today. As the old lady for so long now ekes out her virtual life , I thought it was time for something new .
Enough of the stories

Hello and Goodbye LS Community ,
After almost a year of construction , I am pleased to present you my new card. Some thought already I would have gone into retirement LS. I 'm just not a fan of large Announcements and self-promotion.

So the map:
Location fictitious, borrowed place names from the Berlin
Scenic you become a river valley , some foothills and hills find , the card is about half the size as the original map. As on the Two Rivers, much emphasis was placed on a realistic and varied landscaping uneven dirt roads etc. . To do this you you look better but the images that oliver69 and I have made.
16 meadows , 25 fields of 1ha - 18ha .
Standard fruit from LS 2013 , cow , sheep and chicken farm and the pig of Marhu ( at this point I 'll tell you thanks for your great ideas around LS ) .
WaterMod , feed storage , manure / Mistmod (again, thanks to Marhu , frisco and HatzFan ) file for the manure / Mistmod is the DL on , who does not like the Gekleckere may be from the modfolder it easy.
Various new buildings , retail outlets and decorative objects that were to be seen not in LS ( new farm , bakery, brewery loading facility for beets and potatoes , etc.)
Diverse background sound for the realistic feel to the card.
Friends of major equipment is on the card , a contracting company available.
Warning , this card is a bit prefer the realism for players all the let only the helpers work and stand on unrealistic 20m reapers , or the like , will not have much joy.
game Start

A small courtyard with a basic selection of machines and two fields belong to the player when the game starts . On this farm there are no silos, but a warehouse for grain crops , from which the fruit can be taken only with the loader again ( custom blades for standard vehicles are the DL at ), potatoes and turnips can be stored at the loading facility and sold. Anyone who is not practiced in the wheel loader driving , the fruit ( corn, canola , barley and wheat), taken from the silo at LU . Cow pasture is on the farm, housed sheep pasture at LU . The chickens run around freely in the yard , whom the croaking of the cock is too distracting (for me after 5 minutes) , for a vehicles.xml to replace the DL , they simply move immediately after game start in your save game and on the yard is quiet.

Last year I was able to meet some nice and helpful people again , so I say at this point Thanks
The former Eifok team around Cyber11 , especially GeneralX , Luis , IHC , fruktor and Stoffel
Oliver69 and Jabba42 for advice, assistance , and the test runs
deepblue for his forum where I piece by piece, "At home " feel
Bandit and Tommi -1 for your beautiful maps
And finally, for those of you who have encouraged me through their feat back to Two Rivers repeatedly to continue.

That which no one ever seems to read :
No errors when using the original motor vehicles and clean -created mods. For the content of your Modordners responsible for her , not us map author !
All I created buildings , layers, and other decorative items that are associated with the card to download part of the map and is not intended for further use on other maps or to remove and re- upload. Shares in this direction I keep before me. Anything else that was installed on the card and not to have as a single object, such as the BGA Eifok team is , unless authorization has been obtained on the part of the builder , not intended for other cards.
The map may be available for download on other forums only by prior arrangement and with the original link. Please request this in German or English.

In other forums this map june only be published after previous contact and by using the original link . Please make your inquiries Either in German or in English .
It is forbidden to upload this mod again , not even in modified form !
Please use the original download link!
- It is forbidden to upload this mod again , even in a altered form!
Please use the original download link !
- Draudžiama / Kelti š / mod v l , net pakitusiu pavidalu ?
Prašome naudoti originalus parsisiuntimo nuorod ?
- Zabrania si ? WGra ? th mod jeszcze , nawet w zmienionej formie !
Prosz ? u | ywa ? oryginalnego link do pobrania !
- The zakázáno vkládat tento mod znovu , a to i ve zm n né form ? ! Prosím použijte Povodni odkaz ke stažení !

Support takes place here :

All that is required , up to a trailer for transport of pigs , is the downloads . In addition, the vehicles.xml for turning off the tap and a printable map with field numbers and points of sale.
Rotting and missions are made .
Have fun on the map !
Important! For the MP , the second link is required , this made itself required by the script used to drive the gates.
1 Link : SP variant
2 Link : MP variant


Map: El Cid
Skripte: Schweinemast: marhu
Gülle/Kalk/Mistmod: TMT/marhu
Watermod: marhu
Zugschranke: Sven777b
AllInOneSilo: TMT/marhu
Hafenkran: schwaki|112TEC
GasStationExtended: Blacky_BPG
Maphose: Eifok Team
Giants: diverse Objekte/Gebäude
Forstmod: rafftnix, BlackJack, Solanz, fendt2000, Katsuo,
fireandice, danny_cole, Eicher-Fan, Repi, Börndi,
3xitus, Buschi, L4Icce, dieKuh, fruktor, KnutA,
wohlstandskind, Buschi, Mofi, Sevorane, MadMax
IHC27: Hallen für das LU,Brücke,Fleischerei,Dorfgebäude
mit Ropa Werbung
Börndi: Stromset, Hochstand, Bushaltestelle, Parkbänke
Fatian: Strassen/Feldwege/Bogenbrücke
Buschi: Texturlayer cobblestone, Flusserle (Danke für die
Erlaubnis zum konvertieren (UV Fehler beseitigt)),
Teile vom Feldwegbahnuebergang, diverse Werkzeuge,
Forstschilder, Hopfenset, Holzset
GeneralX: Tunnel, Tannen
Cyber11/Eifok Team: BGA
mailman: Leitpfosten
Ferguson Freund: Feldduchlass
Funker: Leitplanken
Chefkoch_LS: Fruchtplanen Getreidelager, Blitzer
ZeFir_POLAND: ground_diffuse
Eribus: diverse Texturen aus dem Forgotten Plants Pack
Blackburner: Brücke über den Gebirgsbach, Stützmauern
Dennis260: Steinmauer mit Zaun (im Dorf)
Vanilleeis: einige Texturen aus dem Pack "Realistic-textures-2.0"
KA88: Schranken
KA88/El Cid: Billinger Landhandel
Wohlstandskind: Schienenmaterial, Oberleitung, Getreidewaggons, Danke
für die Freigabe
AndiScania: VT 172 "FerkelTaxe"
Busensvenne: Ortsschild
Heady: Reifenspuren
Lexion000: Reklametafel (Grundgerüst)
Maxter: Kühe am Eichenhof
Wellano920: Dünger, Benzinfässer, Saatgut
TheAgraama: Steinwegplatten
TakerMaco: Stromhaus
Sicka: Güllegrube an der Schweinemast
GermanyCommunityGroup: GrainstationV2 (Planen u. Idee)
bgo1973/Treckerjack: Klee und Luzerne
Raptor5: firtree set, Trafo am Hafen
ls gold: Stromhaus
martinbigM: Volt Stahlhandel, Gartenhaus
Jauchenpaule: Gasvalvestation, Radiotower, Werkstatteinrichtung am
Kolbenfresser: Klinkerstall am Hof bei der Zuckerfabrik
MartinbigM: Bauwagen, Volt Stahlhandel
Mythbuster: Kran am Volt Stahlhandel
Macoholic: Hallen am Sägewerk
Steffen30muc: Kalk/Düngerlager am Fachwerkhof
El Cid: Texturlayer Waldboden, diverse Foliage Layer, diverse
Gebäude Dorf, Bahnhof, Gebirgshof, Kapelle,
Brauerei,Schotterwerk, Sportplatz, Baustelle Dorf/Lu,
Überlandleitungen,Feldscheunen, Kuhstall, Silo,
Futterlager, Misthaufen, Güllegrube, Eichenhof,
Bäckerei, diverse Verkehrsschilder, Fruchtschilder, Hafengebäude soweit nicht
von Giants, Zuckerfabrik, Staumauer, Fachwerkhof

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53


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