Large Holzlagerset v1.0


Large Holzlagerset for wood storage on the farm in the woods, on the field , etc. The many items you can build yourself a wooden Marketers with posts , tarpaulin and tension wire , and
various prefabricated timber Rochester for easy einfügen.Dazu a set with chopped wood and tools.

a) Content
pieces of wood
- 1 1m quarter
- 1 1m semi-
- 1 1m fully
- 2 25cm quarter
- 1 25cm semi-
- 1 25cm fully
- 2 25cm square

finished wood Ster
- 1 wooden Rochester 1 Rochester
- 1 double Rochester Rochester 2
- 1 wooden 2x2 Rochester Rochester
- 2 2x1 wood Ster Ster with side angelehntem wood
- 1 wooden leaning diagonally
- 1 timber in the inclined
- 1 wooden Rochester crosswise placed

decorative objects
- 1 wooden posts ( for supporting the ester) (any mountable )
- 1 wire ring (for attaching beliebeigen on wooden posts )
- 1 wire ( to attach the wire ring etc. Desired length in Ge scale )
- 1 cover for double Rochester (any available )
- 1 Chopping Block
- 1 bunch of chopped wood
- 1 ax
- 1 ax
- 1 sawhorse
- 1 blade saw

b ) Installation
The Holzlagerset folder to the folder of your map objects .
Place objects with the GE on the map .

Free use of the maps would be desirable to DL kommen.Nennung in the credits .
Please respect the work and used the original link.
The set may not be changed newly uploaded or placed on the DL together in other sets.
MfG Buschi


Idee : Buschi
Umsetzung: Buschi
Tests: Buschi

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