Lomersheim v3.0


Hello you,
In this map I have put a lot of time very much . And I hope I have your hand, hit the taste.
On this map , I tried to pack as possible purely as much reality and nature.
I hope I have succeeded to some extent .
If errors are discovered , I would be happy to learn this . Also, suggestions and constructive criticism, I would displeased .
All , buildings, triggers, objects and textures that are installed in this map , are all original or
Download freely available.
A link - information about the buildings and objects that are not original is further attached below .
Mods and Scirpte which are their " needs " to the map also given below.

Map content:
- 24 major and minor fields
- An average working BGA ( BGA bunker has a container capacity of 15000l ) with
- Straw bale choppers
- 2 yards ( two silos with a central courtyard and a " lohnunternehmerhof " with the Kratoffel and beet stock)
- Güllemod installed , ankubbelbar both at court and at the biogas plant
- dealer
- Reset points in the central courtyard
- Built breeding facility from the beginning ( sheep and poultry breeding )
- Working speed cameras and traffic lights

Drive traffic , pedestrians, milk truck and run around -
- Halls of VerteXdezign installed , so with Mapdoortriggern
- Schafverkausstelle next to the dealer
- Gardening with seed against the dealer
- Grain storage at the BGA close
- Many meadows (2 large pastures )
- Small lake near the mill where water for greenhouses , etc. can bring
- Unloading of a train station , a mill ( opposite the station ) , country store and a brewery in the village
- And much more at the little things and details

The credits and other information:

Orignial KEEP THE LINK !
- The mod may be published on other sites as long as is used ONLY ORIGINAL LINK !
- The mod may be published on other sites as long as the ORIGINAL LINK ONLY will be used!
- Le mod peut être publié sur d' autres sites aussi longtemps que le lien original sera utilisé !
- O mod pode ser publicado em outros sites , desde o que será usado original link !
- Mod moga byc na publikowane innych stronach dlugo tak , jak oryginalny link bedzie u?ywany !
- A mod tehetok közzé View more oldalakon , amig az eredeti link fogja használni !

It is not allowed to change anything on this map and uploading it again .
Not even under a different name or something else.
It is not allowed to change anything at this Mod to upload it again . Not even under a different name !

- http://www.modhoster.de/mods/map-ampeln--2
- http://landwirtschafts-simulator.de/mod.php?lang=de&mod_id=172
- http://www.vertexdezign.net/mapdoortriggerv4/
- http://www.modhoster.de/mods/zucht-anlagen
- http://www.mod-portal.com/forum/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=273

Most of the links to the buildings and objects were installed.
- http://www.mod-portal.com/forum/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=273
- http://www.vertexdezign.net/mittlere-maschinenhalle/
- http://www.vertexdezign.net/kleine-maschinenhalle/
- http://landwirtschafts-simulator.de/mod.php?lang=de&mod_id=173
- http://www.modhoster.de/mods/central-bga--2
- http://www.modhoster.de/mods/fachwerkscheune--5
- The barn I could not find
- Also in the pack was the contain , among other things , the unloading point at the brewery.

A big thank you goes to those who have published these mods / objects / Geböude / trigger
Map this and have therefore only allows me so u build as it is today .
Also a thank you I want to have Frieldi88 and Marcel G. ausprechen which offers the design really helped me and the map have been tested through and through .
The map itself was not completely re-designed by me . The design comes from the distant " Bolusowov1 "
Map . But this map has to do my map might still 2%.
I wish you much fun on my map and I hope that it the width of the mass of mods for something LS13 makes better !
Regards Nefarius88


Modder: Nefarius88,Angelcom
Tester und Ideensammler: Friedli88 und Agrostar6.21, Angelcom
MapRepairTrigger Raffnix
WaterMod Marhu
SchweinemastV2 Marhu
Schweineverkauf Bergi2001
Waage Alex2009
Marktbuden manni_112
Wartehaus Fendtfan1
Bauer Frau Charly99
BatteryBooster JauchenPaule
bigmigmag JauchenPaule
compressor JauchenPaule
workshopEquipment JauchenPaule
FeldwasserHydrant martinbigM500
BauZub Freak36558
Liebheer 81K Freak36558
Baustelle2 Freak36558
Wollregallager alexrene
Werkstatt Objekte Kirtz Pierre
Ducks Sandgroper
FarmAnimals Mr.Siika & Maxter
BaustellenHäuser manni_112
Fahrbahnmakierungen FrankWienberg[GER]
Schafstall Manu ya
BayWa Händler By K und S Modding: http://www.facebook.com/KundSModding
Binnenschiff Leider nicht mehr nach zu voll ziehen "bitte eine Pm wenn es erkannt wird"
Extended 4.1.7 Black BPG auf http://www.blackpanthergroup.de/

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