Missouri USA Revised SMM


The map has SoilManagementAndGrowthControl_v1-2-0 plus Chopped Straw.


I have upgraded the farm lot. I have change the color from red to brown and I had some buildings removed and put up 2 modern buildings. I also added the SMM tanks
The farm is center in the middle of the map and the default vehicles is right across the road from the main farm.
The map has one town with working stop light and the 2 trains in the map and a airport with flying airplanes and a heliocopter.
You have dairy cows, sheep, chickens, pigs, beef, and horses to buy and sell along feeding and watering.
The map has changed over time I put in 3 new gas stations, added a farmer market.
A farm silo for blackeyepea, peanut, sweet potatos red beets sweet corn carrot.
I added in kalk/fertilizier silo around the map, the trigger work and I plainly posted sign telling which is kalk/lime and fertilizer silo.
You have sell places for you grain around the map one west end of town you one north west. One north east of town. One south east and the last one south west at the equine stables.
I replace the MapSiloBand with the digital readout display. I move some things around and replace somethings.
The crops are: wheat, barley, canola (rape), maize, soybean, oat, rye, greenwheat, cotton, sunflower, sorghum, sudangrass, alfalfa, clover grass, potato, sugarbeets, sweet corn, peanut, blackeye pea, carrot, red beets, sweet potato, rice, millet and dinkel

I want to think KJ981300, and slopoke7166, on the first release of the map. On the Missouri final fix flashfarmer42
clover, sudangrass, AllInOneSilo, extras, FertilizerFructRegestrierung, GMM_Reg, herbicide, Manager, woolPattetteCollector, and etc.

The Missouri mods and the Four Acre Farms will work on the map.
In the zip they are the map and the other mods to make things work in the map, so you will need to unzip and than put in mods folder.

Blockhaus-Released by: www.schwabenmodding.bplaced.net Im Rahmen des Schwabenmodding Adventskalenders 2011 :)
grain bin pack by: ThompsonM06
covered grain station by: Scorpion210
watermod english by: chief86
pig mod english by: chief86 Marhu
wool pallet collector v1.3.1 by chief86 Marhu
all farm fenceing and world bound for maps is by: sandgroper
feedmill by: hermit23 from map USA_FARM
NI Modding Map Objects by rh
bale shredder by tomekss80
cattle sheds by Neurotek
livestock market by Neurotek
mud grooves by nilins14
cow shed by Sisu Polaris
cotton factory by devil revenge
blackeyePea peanut by jb3pc4sale
round bale feeder by ThatKid-96
sheep barn by john magne
Silo Meindl by trucker1245
cow currol by cacamania
tower silo, american dairy barn by Axel_of_Sweden
beef cows from Rinderzucht by FRANK CADILLAC re-skinned by jb3pc4sale
ball bearing mod v1.0 by Steffen30muc
beef cattle v1.0 by Ls-2013Modding, Timber131, Marhu
rustic pack of american barns by Feterlj
outdoor silos by MFG maser789
workshop misc. by JauchenPaule
huhnerstal by manu ya
sack of potatoes added by Jens002 english version by jb3pc4sale
workshop shed kit v1.0 beta by Livestyler Berty John Deere 6930 JauchenPaule  Blacky_BPG KundS Modding
street signs by tom redone by jb3pc4sale
oil pumps by Germany Community Group@martinbigM500 Original by Giants
dealer pack v 1.0 by SLJ-AGRAR ZZZ_multiMowingZZZ_multiMowing
blackeyePea and peanut is the carrot and onion stock v1.0  I think the orginal is from Gaints
concrete silo by gaints Wellano920
Pigs Slaughterhouse v 1.0 Javier007
shed v 1.0 by germany community group
mobil gas station orginal by script : LS-Landtechnik Alex2009 texture: jb3pc4sale
water station v3
basin v2 by c0sMyNN
simple tube by  Ferguson Freund
cutting tool shielf v1.0 by Grüßchen bonzai_micha
foodStorage_V3.1 MapSiloBand by dajoun tunisia script by Marhu
Aral Tankanlage/double ammonia (fertilizer) tanks by Modell : DESCH texture by jb3pc4sale
 Pioneer and dekaulb pallets textures by jb3pc4sale
gardencenter v4 by Ihr BauerBernd/SLP20131 some textures and some things added by jb3pc4sale
other seed pallets and fertilizers by SF_unpack_me by Wellano920
uelle und Mist Mod....................../Marhu/TMT
MapSiloBand Neu........................../Marhu
Schweinemastanlage Neu............./Marhu
Antonov AN2 v 2 .........................../delta (Zier Model/Spline)
Hewaaa: Pferdestall
Danke an alle Modder white hogs
RootCrop Storage by JohnDeere1952
Autoren:   Schwaki[112TEC
Bluebaby210: MapAmpeln
 AAA01_InGameMenuEnhancement                  (c)BlueTiger/Company Team-SUB7
SMMfertHerbiTanks and fenceing by: (C) All Rights Reserved - Sandgroper 3rd June, 2013
American buildings by kramarj
Credits: SoilManagementAndGrowthControl_v1-2-0
Script: Decker_MMIV.
Graphics: KaosKnite, JakobT, GIANTS, Decker_MMIV and others.
Translation 'DE': JakobT, webalizer.
Translation 'RU': Gonimy_Vetrom, VAHA.
Translation 'CZ': KingFrame, Albi.
Translation 'FR': Marxtai, Dural.
Chopped Straw: webalizer

If I forgot anybody I'm sorry.


Blockhaus-Released by: www.schwabenmodding.bplaced.net Im Rahmen des Schwabenmodding Adventskalenders 2011 :)
grain bin pack by: ThompsonM06
covered grain station by: Scorpion210
watermod english by: chief86
pig mod english by: chief86 Marhu
wool pallet collector v1.3.1 by chief86 Marhu
all farm fenceing and world bound for maps is by: sandgroper
feedmill by: hermit23 from map USA_FARM
NI Modding Map Objects by rh
bale shredder by tomekss80
cattle sheds by Neurotek
livestock market by Neurotek
mud grooves by nilins14
cow shed by Sisu Polaris
cotton factory by devil revenge
blackeyePea peanut by jb3pc4sale
round bale feeder by ThatKid-96
sheep barn by john magne
Silo Meindl by trucker1245
cow currol by cacamania
tower silo, american dairy barn by Axel_of_Sweden
beef cows from Rinderzucht by FRANK CADILLAC re-skinned by jb3pc4sale
ball bearing mod v1.0 by Steffen30muc
beef cattle v1.0 by Ls-2013Modding, Timber131, Marhu
rustic pack of american barns by Feterlj
outdoor silos by MFG maser789
workshop misc. by JauchenPaule
huhnerstal by manu ya
sack of potatoes added by Jens002 english version by jb3pc4sale
workshop shed kit v1.0 beta by Livestyler Berty John Deere 6930 JauchenPaule Blacky_BPG KundS Modding
street signs by tom redone by jb3pc4sale
oil pumps by Germany Community Group@martinbigM500 Original by Giants
dealer pack v 1.0 by SLJ-AGRAR ZZZ_multiMowingZZZ_multiMowing
blackeyePea and peanut is the carrot and onion stock v1.0 I think the orginal is from Gaints
concrete silo by gaints Wellano920
Pigs Slaughterhouse v 1.0 Javier007
shed v 1.0 by germany community group
mobil gas station orginal by script : LS-Landtechnik Alex2009 texture: jb3pc4sale
water station v3
basin v2 by c0sMyNN
simple tube by Ferguson Freund
cutting tool shielf v1.0 by Grüßchen bonzai_micha
foodStorage_V3.1 MapSiloBand by dajoun tunisia script by Marhu
Aral Tankanlage/double ammonia (fertilizer) tanks by Modell : DESCH texture by jb3pc4sale
Pioneer and dekaulb pallets textures by jb3pc4sale
gardencenter v4 by Ihr BauerBernd/SLP20131 some textures and some things added by jb3pc4sale
other seed pallets and fertilizers by SF_unpack_me by Wellano920
uelle und Mist Mod....................../Marhu/TMT
MapSiloBand Neu........................../Marhu
Schweinemastanlage Neu............./Marhu
Antonov AN2 v 2 .........................../delta (Zier Model/Spline)
Hewaaa: Pferdestall
Danke an alle Modder white hogs
RootCrop Storage by JohnDeere1952
Autoren: Schwaki[112TEC
Bluebaby210: MapAmpeln
AAA01_InGameMenuEnhancement (c)BlueTiger/Company Team-SUB7
SMMfertHerbiTanks and fenceing by: (C) All Rights Reserved - Sandgroper 3rd June, 2013
American buildings by kramarj
Credits: SoilManagementAndGrowthControl_v1-2-0
Script: Decker_MMIV.
Graphics: KaosKnite, JakobT, GIANTS, Decker_MMIV and others.
Translation 'DE': JakobT, webalizer.
Translation 'RU': Gonimy_Vetrom, VAHA.
Translation 'CZ': KingFrame, Albi.
Translation 'FR': Marxtai, Dural.
Chopped Straw: webalizer

Similar modifications

Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

The gates at the BGA plant no longer open and neither do any of the garage doors.

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Commented on 2014-09-21 15:21:57

You need to unzip the map and open the map in GE 5.0.3 or 5.5.1 go to the bga find the barrierBar and rise the barrierBar to the up postion. Than you need to open the missouriusa.lua with notepad ++ and change the greenWheat to greenwheat and than add the the line at the bottom fmcSoilMod.setFruit_FertilizerBoost_HerbicideAffected("rye" ,"fertilizer" ,"herbicide") You will need the mods MapAmpeln and MapDoorTrigger.

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Commented on 2014-09-30 12:19:55

what is the password for the map when I try to unpack it asks for a password and I don't know what it is

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

where can I get the ammonia? I can load all else but canot find where to purchase ammonia

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53


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