MMXIV II Deep Forest v1.0


This is the TSL_MMXIV_II_DeepForest_v1 Map made by TSL
Required Links in description!

* Fish buys grain and corn , produces fish ...
* Sites buy ( at the fish farm / next Billinger ) Sand ...
* Requires Brueckenbaustelle sand ... in MP is to build the bridge again at server restart . SP remains .
* Billinger at the station buys almost everything ...
* Hoftankankstellen must be filled ... buy diesel at the fuel depot with standard tank trailer
* Tank Farm sells diesel ...
* Quarry sold lime and sand on the bunker or for dredging ...
( Wheel loader or excavator having to be changed! ... Just ask in the forum )
* Market Hall buys potatoes, turnips , wool and fish ...
* Kalksilos must be filled ... lime in the pit left
Marked * mähbare meadows in the PDA
* Field size of 1.11ha to 18.36ha
* ... and much more

Fruits : Standard , potatoes, sugar beets , sunflowers, onions, carrots , oats
Additional : milk, beef, pork, horse , Fuel ( diesel ), fish, sand

Movement was used , among other things:
* cowshed
* Pigsty
* Stable
* Tank Farm
* Market Hall
* Billinger
* Railway line without barriers
* Air traffic including airfield
* BGA ball with Shredder
* Pit with sand and lime for dredging or sand silo
* Liquid manure , dung , Kalkmod installed ... needed zip for modfolder : Forum Marhu
* ... and other little things ...

The milk you can sell yourself on Billinger , but it will also emptied from the truck and you get money.

Recommended FunktionsMods:
Required mods for sand ( wheel loader ) and trailers for fish , carrot , sand , lime, oat , onion are installed .
! ... The mods included in the map may NOT be published individually ... !
Recommended Modpack for additional cattle and additional fruits : Modpack by Anno (1x Extract )
Log Clean and MP is tested ... Patch2.0DE_PublicBeta4
Have fun with it...


...und NATUERLICH geht der Dank alle die ich vergessen habe

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