Moonshine Map with industry v1.2.0


Construction period until now (in std / day) more than 1 month (if you count the std together)!

Size: standart
Fruits: standart + sunflower
Money: On start you have now 500000
Fields: 16
Animals: standart + pigs
Transport :: check:
Milk Truck :: check:
Transport missions :: check:
Grasmähmissionen :: check:
Sold at: garden center, country store, restaurant, diner and station
Spinning :: check:
Rotting :: delete:
Fields purchase :: check (field 11 is used from the beginning you)
Ready helpers :: check:
BGA :: check:
Feed store :: check:
Wassermod (Marhu) :: check:
Futtermod chickens (Marhu) :: check:
Agrarfliegermod (Marhu) :: check: (NOT MP ready If a SP mod in)
Purchasable objects (Bluebaby210) :: check:
Info trigger (FSM) :: check: (NOT MP ready If a SP mod in)
Signposts :: check: (If a mod in SP + MP ready)

... Ok, up to this point it sounds like any other map also, BUT there are still some features:

(All production must be purchased)

1 Refinery: Provides biodiesel from rapeseed or sunflower forth when you turn it there!
The biodiesel can charge and sell.
2 Moonshine (namesake of the Map): Sets forth whiskey when you turn in there raw!
The whiskey can charge and sell.
3 Brewery: Adjusts from wheat or barley beer here, in order to then sell.
4 Flour mill: Adjusts from wheat or barley flour ago, which is used for the bakery!
5 Bakery: Provides baked goods here, if you anliefert flour! Baked goods you can then sell.

... As you can see, we have properly again effortless given ...

I thank thesecretlife, Dark Live, feuerlocke68 and Marhu
for their support during the construction phase and the MP tests.



Mapping, Landhandel, BGA, Hof, Brauerei, Mehlmühle, Destillerie,
Backshop, Raffinerie, Hofobjekte, Brücken, Zäune, Airstream, Netto, Pferdehof, Schweinestall, Pferdestall,
Straßen-Edit mit Gehweg, Bahnhof-Edit mit Unterbau, Wegweiserschilder, Brückenmodule und vieles mehr
Katsuo: Bunkersilo
Nubsi: Steinbruch/Kiesgrube (Danke für die Freigabe)
Marhu: Wassermod, Schweinemast, Futtermod, FermentingSilo, Agrarflieger
Fatian: Straßenbaukasten
FSM Chefkoch: Infotrigger
Bluebaby210: MapBuyableObjects
Desperados93: Straßenpfosten
Nick98: Schilder
Giants: Scripte,Texturen, TitaniumAddonAssets (
Sven777b: Zugschranken-Script

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Commented on 2018-03-13 01:44:31

Please convert to fs2017

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