MR Case CVX 175 v1


Here I present you the Case CVX175 from BJR Modding with Aloe Frontloader and More Realistic ready!
The adjustable attacher has been removed as it was causing the MR Trailers to not detach.

Aloe Front Loader
More Realistic
Manual Ignition
Dynamic Exhausting System
Cab and Seat Suspension
Animated Front Suspension
Indoor Sounds
Washable - BJR-Edition
Interactive Control
ESLimiter and Operating Hours
Dynamic Camera
LightScript V3.1
Wheel Particles
Moving Interior Parts
Up Coming Features:
Hide able Front Linkage
Optional Row Crop Tires


More Realistic Edit:Crazyredneck87
Aloe Front Loader Install: Crazyredneck87
Aloe Front Loader:Stefan Maurus
3D Model: Case-Fahrer
UV-Map & Model adjustments: JoXXer
Texture: AzoaX and JoXXer
Ingaming: JoXXer
Sounds: EddieVegas and GIANTS

JoXXer: DynamicCamera, Cabsuspension, BJR_AdjustableAttacher, BJR_MovingPartsInterior, BJR_DriveGroundParticles as well as modifications to most scripts
Face: InteractiveControl, ControlPanelAttacher, Washable, ESLimiter and OperatingHours, Lanes, Dynamic Exhaust System, Indoor Sounds and Wipers
Sven777b: Beleuchtung v3.1
Templaer, Henly20, Xentro: ManualIgnition

A Special thanks to Joxxer for allowing me to release the additional MR Case CVX 175.


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