I have rebuilt a scenario to play this card with realistic vintage mods. 21 fields and grassland. Age farm, sheep, cows, chickens and cattle. Animated Silo's, animated doors, water Mod, Mod meat, ground Mod, chopped straw, clover and lucerne for green manure.
I rebuild this map to play a Scenaro with realistic vintage mods. If you want to work on your Fields. 21 Fields and grassland. Very old farm, sheep, cows, chickens and beef. Animated silo's, animated door triggers. Water Mod. Beef Mod. Soil mod. Chopped straw. Clover and alfalfa for Greenfertilizer.
Required Mods (this needs Map this mods)
Required Mods (this card needs these mods)
MoreRealisticMod2013 - http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/34803/morerealistic-engine-v1-3-61
MoreRealistic default Vehicle Pack - http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/34805/morerealistic-default-vehicle-pack-v1-3-9 - For Start Vehicles / Because starting vehicles
MapDoorTrigger - https://vertexdezign.net/downloads/AnimationMapTrigger?id=4 - For Farmsilo use / for operating Farmsilo
Prepared for / Vorbereited for
SoilManagement - http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/34919
ChoppedStraw - http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/34937
GreenFertilizer - https://www.modhoster.de/mods/grundunger-mod
How to use / How to use
The beigefuegte moreRealistic.zip is a replacement, which was rewritten for clover and lucerne to'fruit not prevent a log warning found '! You still need Dural's moreRealistic Mod (link see above, these are three .zip's, this is only one) download. Please save a copy of your (Dural's) moreRealistic Mod, installed all or only the other two and pulls my in your mods folder. If you have installed all confirmed via write! Now the log should be clean.
The added moreRealistic.zip is a replacer did has been edited only for clover and alfalfa to avoid a log warning `fruit not found`! You have to download silent Dural`s moreRealistic Mod (link see required mods, there are three zip's, this is just one). Please make a backup of your (Dural's) moreRealistic Mod, install all or just the two others and drop mine to your mods folder. If you installed all confirm overwriting! Now the log shoulderstand be clean.

1 Downloads in
8 years ago

Im the Map Author and these are not tested failure filled maps. I have not given enyone the permission to release them. the only tested and bug free version is on fs-uk.
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