MR John Deere DB90 v3


-URF works with MREngine 1.2

-keep the support wheels touching like in real life
-move them forward (M) going up hill
-KP_0 gives the menu

1: There are several UV out of range errors.  These do not seem to affect gameplay.
2: There is a physics error associated with the marker arms when they are folded and unfolded.
3: Washable texture missing in some nodes


xyzspain-Original Kinze 3800 planter model and script
x3mperformance- John Deere Reskin
Troleja- Edit and Conversion to FS 2013
Lindbejb: MR converted, Texture enhancement, Debugged reduced lag.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

I can't get this one to work. It keeps saying no more space every time i go to buy it at the store.

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Commented on 2014-06-27 04:57:37

siezes up my game when i hook up to it

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Commented on 2014-07-12 09:01:47

You have to get a mr game engine

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Commented on 2015-07-07 17:49:58

I figured out that if you go to your pda menu and reset it to your farm it stops going nuts and will work in game but still has some errors as far as wheel index and rot overlap in the log.

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