Multicar M30 retro Fashion V 1.0a


This is a modification of the Multicar M25 with M30 elements. 

My MOD MulticarM30retroFashion actually, because this is the visual look of the M25, but this trough, speed, features to M25 times were impossible 

The Vans is still built (Series M27, M31, and FUMO TREMEL) producer is Hako ( and enjoys great popularity because it can be fitted with special bodies. In Multicar M31 an Iveco F1C engine works. 

For front attachments (mower, etc.) I recommend The Vans is prepared for it (collects straw - Grasschwad). 

Rechargeable fruit types: grass grass_windrow wheat_windrow barley_windrow forage silage chaff hemp_windrow manure potato sugarbeet wheat rape maize barley plum cherry apple pear onion carrot cucumber tomato orange strawberry grape 

Basic Model: Hezy, Hanysekk; 

All conversions including game and testing I've done. 

Other additional parts are from: Giants Software GmbH, dimanix (model well), Sven777b (Beleuchtung3.1) Johni_6530 (Rul, lamps) 

He has additional lighting with the keypad keys 1 - 5 uses - 2 - 3. 

And it's right, he does not tip off, but discharges by Walking Floor ® technology :-) 

That I have not thought of the special really does exist. 

More info, pictures, mods, new releases, etc. by me on 


another explanation for Multicar by Hako. 

The vans will be produced according to buyer requirements in modern production factory. This would make another one of Vans, as I have created him, probably possible. 

More information about Vans example even at 

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The last version had a shop - bug :-( 

That was, when you upload the wrong zip smoothly come under the Mouse! :-(


for support contact my over my blog ...


Idee,Edit,Ingame,Testing LS2013: Peter Pech; Giants Software GmbH, dimanix(Modell Mulde); Sven777b(Beleuchtung3.1); Johni_6530(Rul,Lampen); Textur Planen: mor2000 und ???; Grundmodell: Hezy, Hanysekk; Farmer - Textur:unkown Small-Tools: Unkown

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