Hello and welcome to the final version of Newbie Farm. I have made this map compatible with the following mods, Soil, Straw, More Realistic, Farming Classics and Forestry mods. Note that you can play this map without the following mod installed Soil, Straw and More Realistic mods however if you do not have the forestry mod installed you will get errors in your log file as I have placed many cuttable tree's in giants editor and its for that reason you will have errors in your log should you not install the forestry mod. You also must have Farming Classics installed (its a free DLC pack, but without it you will start off with less starting equipment which isn't good. I have made this mods compatible because I wanted to add more to the realism to the game and give you guys more to do on your farm. Aswell as these mods now compatible there has been many changes to the map, some terrain changes and along with many default tree's been removed and some hedges replaced or removed. Starting equipment reduced. You can choose the path you wish to take at start up, if you want to go and work the fields you can or you could go straight into forestry (requires you to buy the vehicles) but all the buildings are there ready for you to sell the goods at.
I have made it so you start off with some liquid manure so that you can fertilize your fields straight off the bat. Because of the water mod you can increase the productivity of your animals and if you don't want to get cows up and running to be able to produce your own solid and/or liquid manure you can always head down to the garden centre and buy solid manure, straw, grass or silage. To help increase manure production you can always start pig production aswell, when your ready head over to the slaughter house to sell some of your pigs. For those who like to work with sheep will be happy to know that there is a pallet collector already in place and will allow you to work the fields, do some forestry work or a bit of both without having to rush back to unload the full pallet of wool so that wool production can continue.
Required Mods
Soil Management & Growth Control http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/34919
PDA MOD http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/34554
More Realistic Engine http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/34803
Forest mod http://farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&mod_id=384
Farming Classics http://farming-simulator.com/dlc-detail-fs13-classics.php?lang=en or for steam users http://store.steampowered.com/app/245220/
ChoppedStraw with SoilMod-Plugin v1.2.06 = http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/34937
Mixing station http://www.ls2013.com/farming-simulator-2013/mixing-station-v-2-3-4b-placeable.html
Chicken coop with egg http://www.ls2013.com/farming-simulator-2013/chicken-coop-with-egg-v-2-0-mp.html
Multi Fruit http://www.modhoster.com/mods/multifruit--3
Mods for added realism
Manual Ignition http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/34165
Hired Workers Consumes Fuel and Seeds http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/31638
wet Threshing Damage http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/30030
damage mod http://farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&mod_id=199
Log Changes:
* realisticStartSettings.xml added for those who use the more realistic mod.
* Field prices lowered by half the original value.
* Changed field sizes from acres to hectares.
* Removed many hedges from around roads and fields.
* New textures for grass, corn and soybean.
* To increase game difficulty, you now start off with no fields.
* Starting equipement changed and many things removed to increase game difficulty.
* Modified some terrain to help fill in area's that had lots of tree's.
* Removed over 200 of the default tree's which in turn should reduce the hit on system requirements for the map to load.
* Replaced some hedging with fencing.
* Due to seeing missions as been a means to easy money aka cheating i have removed them.
* Replaced road barriers near Bakery with fencing (these 2 sections of fencing do have collision detectors).
* Silo near large garage moved over to make use of the pass which was ugly for V5.
* lowered yield for all crops to make game harder.
* Added road to rear of farm.
* removed some dirt roads and painted tree's there to break up the fields more.
* Reduced the size of the shovel trigger for the chickens because people was getting stuck on it.
* built up fields 11 and 12 so that they are banked fields.
* Moved grain ramp in farm to rear enterance of farm for course play reasons.
* Increased the size of field 14, price and hectres updated.
* Changed the way the dirt road went around field 14.
* Implemented soil mod for added realism.
* Purchasable grass, straw, silage and manure added at garden centre.
* Loading ramps added at garden centre and near Manure storage shed at farm.
* Forest mod implemented.
* All default tree's replaced with tree's from forest mod.
* Mountain chipped away to make room for forestry mod buildings.
* Due to how bare the map felt i have added some default tree's near sell points and around the farm and around the main roads.
* Removed all forest mod tree's from around the main roads.
* Removed sheds down by manure storage shed and moved all starting equipment to large shed in farm.
* Forestry mod buildings added to vehicles file.
* Mixing station and chicken coop added to vehicles file.
* Storage for both logs and wood chip buildings from forestry mod added to vehicles file.
* Added straw mod.
* PDA updated.
* Map start screen discription fixed.
* Fixed cow manure pile trigger.
* Fixed missing Soybean and Rye distance diffuse files.
* Fixed pig prices for more realistic script because prices was very low.
* Fixed yields for all crops (lower yields means having to buy and work more fields).
* Fixed manure and straw prices (was far to high).
* Grass can now be sold at the BGA.
* Tree entries in defaultVehicles.xml
Total Growth Times For All Fruits: these growth times are based on the game speed real time and growth speed set to fast.
sunflower ============= 77 hrs 20 min ---- 1.89e+008 --- 168 hrs
soybean =============== 70 hrs 39 mins --- 9.5e+007 ---- 84 hrs 24 mins
rape ================== 65 hrs 46 mins --- 1.35e+008 --- 120 hrs
dinkel ================ 60 hrs 26 mins --- 1.24e+008 --- 110 hrs 13 mins
maize ================= 57 hrs 46 mins --- 4.1e+007 ---- 36 hrs 26 mins
barley ================ 52 hrs 26 mins --- 5.4e+007 ---- 48 hrs
wheat ================= 48 hrs ----------- 6.8e+007 ---- 60 hrs 26 mins
greenwheat ============ 44 hrs 26 mins --- 1.08e+008 --- 96 hrs
sugarBeet ============= 39 hrs 6 mins ---- 2.7e+007 ---- 24 hrs
potato ================ 34 hrs 40 mins --- 2.7e+007 ---- 24 hrs
sorghum =============== 32 hrs ----------- 4.1e+007 ---- 36 hrs 26 mins
oat =================== 27 hrs 33 mins --- 8.1e+007 ---- 72 hrs
rye =================== 24 hrs ----------- 4.1e+007 ---- 36 hrs 26 mins
grass ================= 67 hrs
- 1 Downloads in
10 years ago
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