Originated from the OgM2013
On this map, you have 7 fields to Bewirtschafften of these 7 fields is a field in your possession and Planted have been ( be fertilized must ! ) With wheat .
There is a free Green area who use it to your can expand as farmland prerequisite a plow , or simply just as Gruenpfläche for grass or hay bales.
There are as usual chicken sheep & cows and a BGA, a pig is present .
Delivery points are : Lanhandel / mill / butcher / beet factory.
Corrected error / Update: (as of 21:05:14 )
PDA was made.
Briefing 's and Map_Preview were created.
Defeniert All fields again and made Buyable .
Sound/Wave Warnings in the log Fixed .
PhysX warning in the log Fixed .
Reduced Visible Animals set to 6 ( performens improvement) because the pastures are all very close together lie .
Complete textures update.
Overview of Feldgrösen in Hecktar !
Consistent with the thresher of SFM !
Field No. 01 = 0.74 ha
Field No. 02 = 1.19 ha
Field No. 03 = 0.69 ha
Field No. 04 = 0.50 ha
Field No. 05 = 1.43 ha
Field No. 06 = 2.29 ha
Field No. 07 = 3.22 ha
! RECOMMENDATION ! Old times - Modpack v2.0 by TMT .. http://marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=519
Pig farm ................... / Marhu
WoolPaletteCollector................... . / Marhu
Ground Texturen............................ . / ZEFIR
Beet Textur................................. . / ZEFIR
Distance Hils................................. . / Mailman
Grasstextur................................... . / Vanilla ice cream
Rot , rot : is Off
* If Needed ! - Pigs Transport Trailer: ............ http://marhu.net/index.php?ms=Mods&mod=JoskinBetimax
* If Needed ! - Transport packaging for food storage : ..... http://www.modhoster.de/mods/transportpack-fuer-futterlager
Create success Have fun and Happy .. you wishes Ba.Dirk69 & Funky
Subject to change!
It is not allowed to upload the map again !
This map may not be offered without the express permission ONLY HERE FOR MH !
Please support the action against ModKlau !
- 1 Downloads in
10 years ago
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