Moin everybody ...
As sporadic may have already received with Facebook I have set times just to build a mine in the Ruhr 's style ;)
The object is purely for decoration and was in respect of the textures so gestalltet everyone can rebuild it according to his own tastes ...
It will be in the next 1-2 days and another release give with the matching accessories such as ...
Cleats mouth holes
In addition, because I know the old known problem with the rumgejammere " GG what such a large file bla bla" I have these sometimes thought and also a small pack made for this type of user finished with only 5MB but then you will possibly times actually understand the difference if you compare both times !
I drew a comparison with image uploaded to the Low and the High Res version ... In short guys ... If you want to have a High Res Tex you have with large file formats can live ! who still want to have the true net can indeed load both low / high and even compare
For the case which is then still noticed net and will continue whined I empfele a good optician ;)
In short, for every modder it is a kind Spiess route running between low file size and Qualytät ;) sooooo much to
I wish you lots of fun decorating and would appreciate your feedback ... PS . still an annoying issue ALSO criticism ! what appears to be yes so have not understood until today some users and then my having to start a kind of stress!
Mod Rules: . This mod may not appear for download only use the original links to other portals .
For changes have another release in a row , I ask for prior agreement ... well at YouTube Reviews ... ( Also, there can not be avoided no agreement to criticism ... But simply to humble about it to know that one is done ! Well concerning me in the case because of criticism of me pretty much Latte)
Since the EULA of the company provides software, the Giants one of jedlichen rights to this model assigns for publication I would then agree in the demfall though but I keep trotzalle the copyrights in the basic model and, accordingly, are not desired imports back !
Gruss Freak36558 !
- 1 Downloads in
10 years ago
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