PJ Trailers 40 Gooseneck Flatbed with Ramps FS13 FIXED


Here is the PJ Trailers 40' low pro flatbed goose neck trailer. Attaches to pickups and semi's with the type "semitrailer" attacher joint. This trailer can be used for the transportation of equipment, vehicles, implements and hay/straw bales with the lockdown script. It is manual load only. Ramps are fold-able.

This mod has no UV errors or log errors. If you get errors it is because of a conflict with another mod, not this one.

If you save the game with bales or equipment onthe trailer they will be locked down the next time you start the game and must be unlocked.

Fold Ramps:              Key X
Lock/Unlock Load     Key O
Strobe Lights            Key Home
Turn Signals              Keypad 1,2,3

Changelog 1/15/14
- Added PJ chain rack with chains and binders detailing
- Fixed strobe lights on back of trailer
- Modofied deck textures to eliminate flickering


BigCountry: Ingame, Scripting, Model, Texture
Looseterror: Jackstand script, Testing, Help with model & scripts, Wheels
Twisted GA: Jackstand script
Attacher script: Geri-G, Peter J
Light script: Sven777b
Model Conversion: MokoAaron
PJ chain rack model details: mwlacy


Commented on 2014-09-22 07:45:52

Every time I download it and I buy it at the store my whole game crashes on Mac how do I fix that.

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Commented on 2014-12-28 07:33:39

Can you make this trailer for Farming Simulator 15 v1 ?

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

mine is stuck downloading

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

that happens to me with the f 350 mod guest

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

I would LOVE to have this trailer for FS 2017

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

This mod is not showing up in FS 2015

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