Poland Agromap v1.0


Cereals: wheat, barley, canola corn potatoes and turnips
Animals: cow chicken sheep
Shop: ROL-MAR with the option of selling at a cheap price
Focus: All cultures and wool - eggs on the farm
AI Traffic: Car and pedestrian
Other feces and urine varying degrees, turn the cow and kneaded silage
Weather: Dynamic Mist (every day a different severity from 5:00) Dark Night
Extras: CPN ATM phone ...
Beets and potatoes you can just pour in purchase price!
Card recommended to play in multiplayer mode
Optimization of the map at a high level - an average of 60-65 FPS and short charging time


Entwurf: Farmer
Programmierung: Ziuta
Models: Speed69 Marcello1942 Zdun
Zeitplan: Piotrex77
Support: Lech

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Commented on 2014-03-17 20:41:25

Til denne nettsiden: Kan dere heller prøve å gjøre disse zip filene til exe filer!!!!???

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