Roadwest trailer TRI350BT


TSF3 team présent a part of the new Glenvar Mod: Roadwest TRI350BT trailer

Road West Trailer TRI350 BT is a truck trailer made in Australia, 51m3, 10,3m overall lengh, triple axle.
Body built from extruded aluminium panel, designed for single trailer or road train opération ,full lengh roll tarp. The easy way for roadtrains.

-Capacity: 51M3
- Fruittypes: barley, wheat, maize, rape, potatoes, sugarbeets

- Turn, warning, brake and reverse lightst
- full roll tarp


3D Model: Fendtbreizh22
Texture: Fendtbreizh22
Ingaming: Fendtbreizh22
Sounds: Giants

- FillFromAir: GuimChevalier
- Beleuchtung v3: Sven777b

Special thanks to the TSF3 team for help and support


Commented on 2014-07-29 15:49:07

Hi there your trailer is amazing but was just wondering if you could modify it to cart more grains like barley sorghum sunflower and cotton so I can have just one set of trailers instead of a couple would be a great help thanks.
regards luke.

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