Schwalmtal Rainrod v3.0 MR


Hello! Although LS 13 now soon for the scrap heap, I Want you not vorendhalten my last version of Schwalmtal Rainrod. It's my last card I have changed something!
What has been done!
First farm was somewhat rebuilt with the halls of Vertexdezign!
2.Gülle crap lime mod was installed! Unfortunately I do not remember who helped me there!
But I would like to thank formally with him! Made me almost insane!
3.Texturen been changed!
4.More Realistic was installed!
5 All horseshoes are still in the garden!
6 New ball sale and Grass sale came about!
7.Neue Hofsilos of Micha honclik were installed
8.Düngerlager of Steffen30 was installed!
Otherwise, everything has remained the original
The map is quite good also for weaker machines and Runs error free!
It may also be taken as a basis for new projects! (As long as I'm with inside)
I for one will not change my map! Mfg. Your Feldmaus01



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