Traffic vehicle speed v0.2


This scripts adjusts the traffic vehicles' maximum speed by increasing their RPM values. The new default speed setting is ca. 40 kph.


Copy the archive to your mods folder.


The default settings are: 40 kph, only applied to default traffic vehicles, the milk truck is excluded.

In the modDesc.xml, you can adjust these settings in the trafficVehicleSpeed tag:

  • 'max'[type]: integer
    [accepts]: any integer number above 4
    [default]: 40
    The maximum speed (in kph) a traffic vehicle should drive at. This is an approximate (+/- 2 kph). Warning: during testing, 40 kph seemed to be the golden maximum. Anything above that and the vehicles will start swerving, as they can't steer fast enough to get to their target points.
  • 'onlyDefault'[type]: boolean
    [accepts]: true, false
    [default]: true
    If true, the new speed setting will only be applied to the default traffic vehicles. Custom (mod) traffic vehicles are exluded.
    If false, the new speed setting will be applied to all (including mod) traffic vehicles. NOT RECOMMENDED.
  • 'excludeMilkTruck'[type]: boolean
    [accepts]: true, false
    [default]: true
    If true, the new speed setting will not be applied to the milk truck.
    If false, the new speed setting will be applied to the milk truck.

Please note, as there is no traffic in MultiPlayer games, this mod is not supported in MP.


No modification without the author's written permission. No re-upload by anyone but the original author. No commercial usage.

Copyright © Jakob Tischler, 2014


Jakob Tischler

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