Hello community
The new map TripleFarming is a triple agriculture.
triple = agriculture, animal husbandry and production
Ne great description I will not do , because it's anyway no one reads !
On the map there are five productions.
Bakery : Wheat , barley, sunflowers and water brings back one , rolls do you get the sale .
Canning : water , tomatoes , cucumbers and carrots brings you down , you get Gemüdekonserven
Concrete Factory: sand, gravel and water brings you out concrete slabs are brought to the site
Apple orchard : Crap, water and manure carry you sell apples on the various outlets .
Brewery: Barley, Hops (available from Lanhandel ) hinbringen and water to get beer
Here are a few links so that the map works correctly.
TripleFarming ModPack : http://www.modhoster.de/mods/triplefarming-modpack
Traffic Light Mod: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/map-ampeln--2
StopMilkSale : http://www.modhoster.de/mods/stopmilksale
Bank of Hagenstett : http://landwirtschafts-simulator.de/mod.php?lang=de&mod_id=188
Liquid manure trailer : http://www.modhoster.de/mods/gulletransporter--2
Milk trailers : http://www.modhoster.de/mods/milchtransporter
Water Trailer: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/grosser-wassertrailer
Pigs and Rintertransporter : http://www.modhoster.de/mods/krampe-schweine-und-rinder-transporter
No other maps in modfolder and scripts , such as manure , manure - Mod , Water - Mod , Mod PDA etc.
Have you something in there, come back in Komentarbereich statements such as : " The map is not that jerky " or what I knows what.
About FB have more than a dozen people who tested ... Map The map is not jerky !
If they stutter with you, please Clear the map again , buying NEN decent computer , or empty your modfolder times with mods that you do not smoke anyway !
I allow anyone to take scripts, objects , or otherwise from the map to build this into their own map and to publish again ! There are converted scripts, buildings, etc , where I got myself the releases themselves for this map . If this someone here only for his own private purpose , he can do it .
Please respect this simple mappers and we accept this, or ye can in the future play the standard map, because no more enjoyment of building and scripting has . Thank you!
So, now I wish you much fun while playing .
Greetings GE mapping
GE mapping with Facebook
- 1 Downloads in
10 years ago
great map beside the train station will not accept onions for some reason. If anybody know why please let me know.
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