ViconTRex shuttle v1.1 MR


The ViconTRex Shuttle
has a capacity of 30 m³ DIN, a
normal 60 m³ DIN truck is so
filled with 2 Shuttle charges.

When reloading the cargo area with the help is
scissors design hydraulically
a height accommodated.

When you open the tailgate, push the
Side walls and the rear wall to the top
and a part of the folded over tailgate
the edge of the truck. Thus, a
Prevents spilling its cargo and
Transhipment stays clean.

The functions

Raise: The Key X
Flaps open: Press O
Weighing device (Control Panel): N key
Hächselklappe: Press L
Overloaded: Press M

Steering axle: press L to lock
1to1 again revised
Washable and so little things ....


Modell VWFahrer80
Textur VWFahrer80
Script Skydancer/Face/VWFahrer80
Ingame VWFahrer80
Änderung: Meyer123,Fin050808
Ls2013 fin050808

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