Volvo S830


Volvo S830 by siudix29 & tomasinho09

Mod has:
- Scale 1:1
- Moving the axis
- The dynamic smoke
- Handbrake
- cock
- Light alloy
- control
- Movable pulleys
- Folding flaps
- New particle system to siudix29
- Adjustable to any angle motowidła
- Realistic animation motowideł
- Moving the flights, windmills, snails, etc.
- Hand-pull tube
- Manually switched rash
- Vibration at high speed
- Sound unload
- Grain in the tank
- Mod passenger
- Przegazówka and darker smoke while mowing
- A new dust
- Manual firing
- Improved driving physics
- Relna power
- Fluent motion tweens
- 3D webcam
- Steering mod v3
- Farmer in the working position and relaxed
etc ...

Size: 20.3 MB


siudix29 & tomasinho09

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