Voralpenland v1.0


What was installed on the VoralpenlandMapv1 : Neur yard with BGA, All animals are near Hof ,

changed any Multi Fruit map , landscape and roads in part , BauZub (construction equipment ) scale , traffic signs, OGF_Bauernhof , water mod , woodworks , industrial plant plus sugar factory , PlaceableHeaps as mods , grain warehouse, NewSilo_by_power74.de , ModpackFutterlager V.1.2 , mixing station , windmills,

megapack_carreteras , Warehouse plus drying , flood light , fermenters are of the BGA kit from made by Fatian from Ls11 / Bigfarmer145/Sk8mike , CHP containers are also from LS11 and got me another skin , Door Trigger , playground, Halle2_008 , cottage garden , distillery, Ampel_Kit_für_Mapper / traffic light model : BigM ,

Ground textures , water tarpaulin for a small pond , corn texture is by me ( Lader500 ) , sales points for grass, hay and straw.

The map has 13 Ls of similarities such as: Srassenführung , houses, mill, etc.
There are no immediate v2 . Respect this work of mine since I have the Map rebuilt according to my ideas . ! Also included is a Ortner is for mappers and players and is called Important ! and there are also the credits and game images contain for explanations . Lader500
The map must not be modified for your own purposes without asking but not be re hocheladen into altered way od other.

log error-free

Have fun playing.


Credits Nennungen und was verbaut wurde. Ich hoffe ich habe keinen vergessen wenn ja dann sendet mir eine
PN auf Modhoster unter Lader500 oder auf youtube Kanal: Lader500
Bedanke mich an alle Mods und Mapper die sich Zeit nehmen um so tolle Objekte für die Map oder Mods entwickeln.
BauZub ( Bau Zubehör ) Copyright by: Daniel G alias. Freak36558
Die Waage von ALEX2009 und Hardstyler wurde verbaut.
(Schilder by ClaasHof)
Der WATERMod von Marhu
Industrieanlage plus Zuckerfabrik
PlaceableHeaps als Mods
New Village Houses
ModpackFutterlager V.1.2
LagerhallePack_by_THP1985, Werbeschild_by_THP1985
Fermenter sind von den BGA Baukasten von made by fatian aus Ls11/ Bigfarmer145/Sk8mike
BHKW Container sind auch aus LS11 und haben von mir einen anderen Skin bekommen.
Halle2_008 von Richi3
Ampel_Kit_für_Mapper/ Ampelmodell: BigM
Ampelskript: Bluebaby210
Wasserplane für eine kleinen Teich
Mais Textur ist von mir ( Lader500 )

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

I bought a bunch of sheep but I can't find them! where are they???

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