VQ2 Hagenstedt v2.95 MR


Delete files .grle in folder savegameX for continue your savegame and more instructions in .txt to continue game.

Crops : Wheat , barley , canola , grass , corn , oats ( + W ) , sunflower, soybean , poppy , corn V2 ( + W ) , rye ( + W ) , green wheat ( + W ) , millet ( + W ) , spelled ( + W ) , cucumber , tomato , carrot , onion , cotton ( + W ) , peas * ( + W ) , triticale ( + W ) .
The W is indicated by producing crops straw and all are accepted at the pig farm and selling at the farm.
Included :
        Pig farm
        Mixing station.
        Sale of manure.
        Scale funtional.
        Included Watermod to chickens, cows and sheep. (VQ2)
        Digital displays functional for all farm silos. (VQ2)       
        Added another pig farm near the port.(VQ2)   
        Added another gas station in town. (VQ2)

* To harvest the pea , the harvester must accept erbse growing , not peas .
* To harvest the maizev2, the harvester must accept maizeV2 growing , not maizev2.
No more comments, the question for private message.
Changelog 2.95:
    Remodeled field hens.
    Refinishing farm area.
    Resurface way up front farm house.
    Remodeled farm road <-> people.
    Relocated silos, with more space in download area.
    Delete big arage between fields 40 and 41.
    Delete big garage the field 42 to use the space for example sawmill Bioplant ...

Changelog 2.85:
    Delete mod InGameMenuPause (It doesn't work well, while use FieldStatus).
    Added Comprima MS and Big Pack MS to the shop.
    Added rampe in BGA for easy charger.
    Translate digital display.


Modell/fruit: Vanquish081
Michstation: Marhu
Schweinemast: Marhu
WoolPaletteCollector: Marhu
Watermod: Marhu
MapSiloBand: Marhu
Ein Wunsch von: Hardstyler
Umsetzung: Alex2009
Halls: easyhalls.com
store bales: Javier007
Schilder: Nick98_1
Gastation Repsol: Chuzonet
Digital Display: BGP
InGameMenuPause: BlueTiger / Team-SUB7
HudHider: CLOD
PlayerCamera: Desperados93
Accelerate time: upsideDown

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

Where can I find a harvester to harvest the maizeV2????

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