XL Farms Hagenstedt v1.0


This is a small update for those who like to play on the original map. I've added new features to make the map more fun. You'll find the latest news, such as raising pigs, beef, watermod, kalkmod, objects with new functions.
To make the map work properly, you need to download some additional mods. The link directs you to the developer page or for direct download.

- Agrar Fliegerv1.3.4b
- MapSiloBand v2.5.2
- WoolPaletteCollector v1.3.1
- Schweinemast v1.0.3 (pigs)
- RinderMast V 1.0 (beefs)
- WaterMod v3.0.1
- MischStation  v2.3.6
- Oberthalbacher Landhandel rebuild v 1.0
- Forgotten Plants V 1.0 Realistic Texture
- Gülle Mist und Kalk Mod 2.1.0
- New cowzone, refurbished, new barn.
- Oilmill/Oelmuehle
- new farm silos (complet pack v2)

http://marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=29 (Open the file, click on Mod, extract the GuelleMistMod.zip file inside your map folder).
Zu finden hier: https://github.com/mor2000/UniversalProcessKit#instalation
Lade dir die AAA_UniversalProcessKit.zip aus dem Ordner 00_mod-beta (https://github.com/mor2000/UniversalProcessKit/blob/master/00_mod-beta/AAA_UniversalProcessKit.zip) herunter und speicher sie in deinem Mod-Ordner.
Any questions, critique or suggestions, as well as bug, leave in the comments. Is very important.


Map by Tiago P.

Mods by Marhu (TMT)
Agrar Fliegerv1.3.4b
MapSiloBand v2.5.2
WoolPaletteCollector v1.3.1
Schweinemast v1.0.3
WaterMod v3.0.1
MischStation v2.3.6

Forgotten Plants/ Plants Maize V 1.0 Realistic Texture
Originale: GIANTS Software GmbH
Original Baumtextur: Vanilleeis
Original Maistextur: LwFarming
Neue Texturen: Eribus

Sukup grain bin pack (main farm silos)
Model & Texture - ThompsonM06
Developed & released by LazyMod Studios FSD

Ölmühle V1.0.0
Modell: Giants
Idee: WTG
Umsetzung: SBorg
Beta-Tester: WTG, SBorg
Einbau: per Giants-Editor
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Leicht
LS-Version / Patch: LS2013 / ab 2.x

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

One of the betters Hagenstedt variations out there, but it has an issue with hiring workers; workers randomly stop at any given place when plowing, cultivating, and sowing. You can work around it if you have patience, but it prevented me from continuing play on it.

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