Apfelmod v1.0


This mod allows you to grow apples and pears and sell. For this, you need to plant trees and apples and pears go to your street sale where the customer will then help themselves. Both are placeable objects that must not be obstructed by GE.

The mod consists of 4 components: the street vendors, the apple tree, the pear tree and the trailer for apples. The first time the apples are sold on the second they grow and with the last being transported.
This mod requires the UniversalProcessKit from v0.8.4!

1) street vending for apples
Be here by self-service customer demand for and sold to the apples.

- Ownership cost: 20 € per day
- Filling volume: 2.000l or 1sqm
- Sale Price: about 1.50 € per kilograms of apples (500 € per square meter apples)
- Income: max. 200 € per hour

- Price: 1.500 €
- Sale Price: € 750

Model & Texture: mor2000

2) Apple Tree
The crop of apples is done with the crown Emsland-trailers (4), when driven under the tree.

- Carries up to 400l or 0,4qm apples.
- Maintenance costs: € 5 per day

- Price: 1.500 €
- Sale Price: € 750

Original model: GIANTS Software GmbH
New / modified textures: mor2000

3) pear tree
The harvest of pears is done with the crown Emsland-trailers (4), when driven under the tree.

- Carries up to 400l or 0,4qm pears.
- Maintenance costs: € 5 per day

- Price: 1.500 €
- Sale Price: € 750

Original model: GIANTS Software GmbH
New / modified textures: mor2000

4) Crown Emsland
This is the original crown Emsland in green, apples, pears, cherries, plums and oranges can load.

- Maintenance Cost: 10 € / day
- Filling volume: 5.700l
- Can be filled with apples, pears, cherries, plums and oranges

- Price: 4.900 €
- Selling price 2,450 €

Original model: GIANTS Software GmbH
New / modified textures: mor2000

1) mod download
Download 2) UniversalProcessKit also ( here )
Copy 3) Apfelmod.zip in the mod folder
4) Play!



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Commented on 2014-12-24 21:40:52

Doesn't work for me. I installed UPK 1.1 Although trees and stands appear in shop/mod menu, they do not appear when I attempt to place them.

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Commented on 2014-12-24 21:49:15

I'm now using UPK 0.8.4 (per the instructions). Apfel mod works fine.

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