5 paint jobs for the agroliner tipper 3 AB Texel trailers 1 Massey ferguson 1 New Holland all 5 are seperate so keep 1 or all as you wish only 2mb per trailer. They have a rear hitch / clutch
- 1 Downloads in
9 years ago
nice trailers but needs a better skin put something out there like cat case ih or john deer etc or maybe even carhartt
These were done for friends and shared for those who want them. Everyone does JD stuff so I decided to do something different. AB Texel is the company I work for.
Awsome Hobb . :)
awesome trailer mods
the only problem is you can't double trailer it first trailer doesn't have a hook up ball for the dolly
There are 2 types of trailer hitch Blacky This can definitely have these as double trailers. I have them hooked to a Siga Duo. The Cat dolly works too.
You can*
oh ok
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