fix skipping North,South fix John Deere logo on right side of 1770NT CCS added tanks and fertilizer to both planters.This is a pack of planters including the John Deere 1770, and the John Deere 1770NT CCS.
The planters where made to flex, added wheel animations, and edited by me.
- 1 Downloads in
8 years ago
waaaa baby, cry. go get your diaper changed. First versions was great, i use them all the time, will download and sheck these out Thanks! and Stolen, Get a Life, Mods are stolen, READ the Giants Editor AGREEMENT, it state very clearly ALL MODS CREATED WITH OUR EDITOR PROPERTY OF GIANTS
Sorry Dude @Stolen. Reality Check, uninstall your Giants Editor, reinstall it and READ the Agreement this time instead of just clicking through it! ALL CONTENT ALL ALL ALL content made using Giants Editor software belongs to GIANTS! Anyone selling mods will be prosecuted by Giants and it HAS HAPPENED! That ALSO is in the Agreement!
i can not get these to install
This mod is not stolen, I uploaded the original version and gave JB3pc4sale full permissions to upload. I don't ever get mad when edits, or fixes are made to my mods and uploaded.
6 you need to unzip and they are 2 mods and you can put them in the mod folder.
Thanks JamesB
For all thoae dipsticls that comment making them out to be GIANTS grow up as we no they will never comment on this site
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