everything's better
Marmara against your map to make it more realistic plowing a nice addition so you may want Celtik map in the map and you can reap many fields are 32
mud plug existing roads more beautiful and very easy to look at a combination of animal waste is cows and sheep have a wide range of fields to some great some was below
Water passes from the middle of a small map
new outlets were added in rice ..
Turkey is making the right map
by redex (Ataberk)
- 2 Downloads in
8 years ago
A good start, but needs work. The PDA map icons and notes for instance, or the lack of a list for required mods at the very least. Even with the multifruit mod the rice fields down show up on the map, or on the MaxiMap Overlay Map mod when I installed it.
As I said though, good start but I'll wait to see if any updates come out.
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