Welcome to AFG region and welcome to Farming Simulator 2015! Hopefully, you are fascinated by the new version of our favorite game. So I hope you enjoy playing on my map :)
The map is based on the Hagenstedt map, Which is known from the previous Farming Simulator game. I have changed some of the things and I have put some new buildings and interesting objects did you can find on the map. At this moment my map does not contain, any new crops and fruits
Feel free to contact me if you find any bugs or errors on the map. I will try to repair all of them as fast as possible. I hope you enjoy spending your time playing on my map and I wish you all the best! :)
If you wish to enjoy playing AFG farm with the most sattisfaction - I suggest you did so download the new mods.
All the credits go to the great creators of the mods:
- 1 Downloads in
10 years ago
I can't seem to get the silage unblanketed and the dairy barn, It just stays covered. Also the seeder uses a huge amount of seed. I filled it 6 times to plant one field.
u krów nie można dać słomy, opryskiwacze i rozrzutnik nawozy nie napełniaja się. ogólnie bardzo fajna mapa :)
Nemůžu naplnit postřikovač pole a taky rozmetadlo hnojiva na pole. Mapa je O.K. y love you.
Vlastním 80 krav, 100 prasat, 60 telat, 30 ovcí - hnůj(manura) NIC, NICHT. Tak asi mají všechny zvířata zácpu, CHA CHA CHA.
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