High Performance "Mower"
2750 HP (MTU880 27l V12)
240 km/h
FrontHydraulic, BackHydraulic, FrontLoader, SemiTrailer, Cutter, Harvester
all Service Trigger (2left, 2 right)
100000l Capacity (fill from Air)
12m Mower width
Caps Lock activates liberator (Hopper moves up by 1m/s constantly, use Numpad 2,4,6,8 to move and Numpad /*-+ to rotate)
Page Up/down can be used to move center of mass (instead of using weights)
There are 3 Types where CrassHopper tries to can all, CrassHarvest is a combine and CrasTrac a tractor (this is necessary to work with helpers)
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- 1 Downloads in
9 years ago
Tim taylor's lawn mower from Home Improvement tv show lol. It seems to pick up more grass per Ha than the other mowers so is very easy to make silage with.
can anyone tell me why i cant drive across a plowed field without doing a couple hundred flips
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