Ambient Sounds


An alternative ambient soundset for FS2015, apart from 3 files this set replaces the existing files with the same names (I left 3 files "as is")

The original soundset used files that were very short and as such repeated frequently, this is a distraction and spoils the reality of the surroundings in the map, this set uses sounds that were recorded in the open countryside in the UK and are much more representative of the kind of background you might hear.
Consisting primarily of various birdsongs along with calls, distant traffic, overhead airliners, even passing people, and a late night Owl, you will really get a sensation of actually being in an open landscape.

This soundset will be particularly suitable for UK type maps, especially Coldborough Park Farm.

Please note, in order for this to work in multiplayer the other person should also use the same set.

Full install instructions in the readme file.

This Mod is made for hosting on the UK-FS Website as they test and verify the mods for quality, if you download this mod from a different site and get problems, that is your concern not mine.



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