Auensee v1.2.1


Welcome to Auensee

Version 1.2
Die RAR Datei wurde neu gepackt, aktuelle Version von MixFeeder

Although these fictitious map is based on a real name but not the original.
This is again a single-player map with 9 fields. Who can not be bothered, the
Description read, should at least look at the pictures that explain stuff.
On the map you will find the following places:
- Port: Sales - wheat, barley, canola, corn, oats, rye, sunflower, potatoes
Beet, compos
Purchase - Lime
- Sugar factory: Sale - beet / purchase - Lime
- BGA: sale - silage, potatoes, sugar beets, corn, wood chips
- Schlachter: selling - pork, beef, broilers
- Oil Mill: Sale - rape, sunflower
- Consumption: sale - potatoes, washed potatoes, milk, eggs, charcoal
- Billinger Sales - wheat, barley, canola, corn, oats, rye, sunflower, compos
Manure, wood chips
Purchase - seed, fertilizer
- Cattle Market: Sales - pig feed, beet pulp
- BEA: sale - wool, straw
- Rangers: Sale - Compost / Purchase - seedlings
- Grain trade: sale - wheat, barley, canola, corn, oats, rye, sunflower
Purchase - seed, fertilizer
- Potato dealer sales - potatoes
- Snack Sales - washed potatoes, charcoal
Installed in addition to these buildings: cattle - pig and broiler, Beetmaster, Holzscheitel- and charcoal factory. In addition, the Damage & Repair Mod is installed - in the yard can your minor repairs on the ramp handle, for greater things is the dealer workshop.
All required mods are included in the file, please unzip and zip files in your Modsordner.
For questions and problems please LOG via PM to me or no help is possible
If any error messages please objective and constructive.
I hereby would like to also thank all users who offered me help to create the map, skalna especially Atzi26, Spilldara and tireless Alucard1993
Also a big thank you have been installed on all modders whose parts. I hope I have listed them all right?


AKA_Boroda, Andy1978, Bluebaby210, blubber73, borutcebulj, BW-Modding, Claas Evolution, dimre, Dutch, Farmer_Andy, ferbman98, flo1997, Fsmodding, Funky, Gold Fox, Harrybo, heli007, Ingo210578, jerrico, Kolbenfresser, Lars, LS-Pitstop, Luculus, Marhu, maser789, max98, mngrazy, möchtegernbauer, mor2000, msheini30, Nick98.1, Pandahma, patzer89, Polygon-A, PowerPeter008, RaptorX, Razco, RC-Devil, Rene248, Roland70, Shakari, SLJ-AGRAR, t0xic0m, taker9999, TheCrafterLP, Zatoxx, Ziberg

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Commented on 2016-06-30 02:43:59

merci a l'auteur très jolie map et bien propre,perso il manque quelques animaux,genre lapin,oie,autruche,mais bon,cela demande du temps certainement pour faire se genre de mod.

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Commented on 2016-06-30 03:38:25

Impossible de sauvegarder la map même avec ses mods du pack.

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Commented on 2016-06-30 03:43:30

Effectivement la map ne se sauvegarde pas,le sablier tourne mais pas de sauvegarde,dommage je passe cette map qui étais bien réussie.

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Commented on 2016-06-30 13:15:52

je comfrime, aussi !!!

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Commented on 2016-06-30 14:15:27

très belle map mais je trouve quand plantation des semie il y aurait le variété corrottes et oignons ce serais bien vu le nombre impressionnant de mods qui peuvent accepter c'est culture sinon rien a redire sur la qualité très belle réussite . mes amitiés

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Commented on 2016-06-30 14:39:03

impossible de sauvegarder la map croquette !!!

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Commented on 2016-06-30 14:51:08

je ne comprends pas comment le moddeur ne teste pas la sauvegarde c'est la base de tout droit a la poubelle commme ca marche pas !

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Commented on 2016-06-30 16:02:35

re les ami voila apers 3h je rech j'ai trouve moi c'était le mods
quands je mets le mods ca sauvegarder pas mais quand je le retire ca sauvegarder donc je vous conseils de rgd si vous aves ca et de ou de remettre vous mods par 5 et de teste voila bonne jourée

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Commented on 2016-06-30 22:27:42

Merci pour l'astuce de SEBASTIEN B,si on retire le mod MixFeeder la map se sauvegarde,mais c'est quand même pas normal que le modeur ne la pas testé avant de la poster sur le site,par contre la v1.0 marche bien avec le mod MixFeeder et sauvegarde correctement .

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Commented on 2016-07-01 05:28:16

An outstanding map! Very anxious to fully utilize all that you have included.

Regrettably, there seems to be a problem with SAVING THE GAME when ready to close out for the day. Perhaps you could take a look at this issue, which seems to be experienced by many who have posted before me. I look forward to an updated version soon. Very anxious to play this map.

Thanks for all of your hard work, Przndoc

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Commented on 2016-07-06 22:57:29

je me demande si il regarde les commentaire et en prend note c'est vraimment pathétique enfin dommage RE POUBELLE

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