Bjorn Holm Plus v3.0


Bjorn Holm + is an extension of the standard Map Bjorn Holm.
The map has been supplemented with a few mods and been provided through changes.

New features and changes:
- Kuhweide relocated to the courtyard
- Installed MixFeeder Barn
- Added Goldcoins again
- New Farmsilo texture

The following has been added or modified:
Butcher's shop
Manure storage
digital scoreboards
new maize texture
new arable texture
new shop building
Offset Kuhweide

Please unzip the folder and adds the accompanying mods in the modfolder a.
I wish you much fun while playing, a Merry Christmas and a Happy!


Die Umbauten, Veränderungen und Ergänzungen habe ich gemacht, aber die hinzugefügten Mods/Objekte sind von deren Moddern: Marhu, Geneborg, Andy1978, Pandahma und LwFarming. Ich hoffe das ich alle genannt habe.

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Commented on 2016-05-16 00:29:17

bylo bi možné aby někdo upravil dopravu ve hrách aby se tam jezdilo podle pravidel protože standart-ní doprava nezná přednosti v jízdě a to mně trochu vadí. díky Mira

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