We have allowed us to make some changes
Slurry manure and Kalkmod (GMM)
Fertilizer and seed storage (fertilizer, seeds and lime needs in the nursery Bought and stored on the farm
Concentrate sales, the nursery is now selling also concentrated feed
New sawmill
New point of sale
Slurry and manure sales
seed Production
New farm buildings
Hardware store, buying among other compost and fertilizer to seed Pickled seeds
The file for downloading, remains the property of http://kai-lemanski2410.phpbb8.de/
The Associated modpack you get at http://www.ls-netzwerk.de/downloads
Please use ONLY the original download link
Are prohibited from MOD / MAP AGAIN UPLOAD, modify or in modified form UPLOAD. UM offering a downloadable.
Please use only the original download link
Are prohibited from MOD / MAP AGAIN UPLOAD, modify or in modified form UPLOAD. UM offering a downloadable.
- 2 Downloads in
8 years ago
game freezes when you mount composter steps
how do i fuel the sawmill/Board maker
@Jack you fuel it with woodchips I believe
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