California Central Valley v3.1


Thank you all for so much Downloads and good help with the error search

In v3.1 all unauthorized flying objects were removed.
A new savegame must not be started. But it would suggest that everything is displayed.

California Central Valley V3
I have the map revised agin. But this is at the moment my last update, because I want to devote myself to other projects. It has still  errors t of the early days  and it is too much work to fix them. The map as a learning project myself . I thank those who play my map and wish you much fun.
I also still give you permission to do anything with the map what you want (edit, export objects, delete, and so on ..) ... ;-)
In addition, we still needed
Animation Map Trigger V 1.0.2
UniversalProcessKit V 0.9.8

Feldauftragsmod / fieldwork assignments

Map Buyable Object.
Kotte Universal Pack V2.51

Currently built fruits:
• wheat
• barley
• Grass
• grain maize
• beet
• rape
• potatoes
• clover
• alfalfa
• Weed Weed
• Sunflower
• rye
• oats
• cotton
• Silage maize (maize01) cutting is
• Spelt
• sorghum
• Tridicale
• Sand
• peat
• pig feed

For all who play with the assignment tool do the chopping mission, that unloading BGA is any bunker silo, on the map.


Danjelmc, and special thank to Dietz Modding for the feed truck

Similar modifications

Commented on 2016-03-15 19:59:47

Este mapa é muito muito muito fixe... mas é demasiado "pesado" para alguns computadores ... Bom trabalho pelas fotos esta 5 estrelas...

This map is so much cool but its to heavy for the most of PC but for thes pictures i ve seen the map its 5 star Nice Work ...

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Commented on 2016-03-15 21:02:04

my pc is 2.40 GH and doing very well ... better than some with less capacity

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

Its a bit heavy for my 1.6 GHz, 3 GB

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Commented on 2016-03-15 22:56:04

so where is the map.only an empty zip with map name

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Commented on 2016-03-16 03:16:47

I am have a hard time how to get the gate to open at the pig farm

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Commented on 2016-03-16 17:57:39

Where did you get the mods? Could you provide links please? :) Thank you! Hope you get me back.

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Commented on 2016-03-16 23:40:12

I would love this map, except for two things. The fake trees and the goddamn million fake cows in the cattle area. Those two things bug me so much I cant even play this map.

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Commented on 2016-03-17 14:40:20

everything is fake, its a GAME. nothing is real. i like the CA map but a little disappointed in this version. the chances i personally do not think were good. i've decided to stick with version 2.1. a better road layout in my opinion.

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Commented on 2016-03-17 17:11:49

i dont no whats wrong every time i try to load my game it says time has run out whats the hell wrong can you tell me i have no more promblems with my other maps just this one

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Commented on 2016-03-18 03:23:10

haha you idiot if that isn't the kettle calling the pot black. i just checked over the map and removing all unnecessary i3d files only removes 500kb. the map is large and has lots of stuff thats why it's 1 gig. not to mention the douches having trouble are trying to run it on low end POS PC's

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Commented on 2016-03-18 17:52:14

I call BS on you buddy!!! Prove it

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Commented on 2016-03-19 17:59:11

it is rar i cant download it

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Commented on 2016-06-08 03:04:33

For some reason when I hire a worker to plow a field it only goes 100ft and stops? I've tried all kinds of plows and tractors as well as both directions. Any help?

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Commented on 2017-02-11 08:28:11

Is anyone having trouble purchasing fields? I cannot find the triggers to purchase the fields.

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Commented on 2018-09-03 20:17:41

Cant get this mod to work on my Mac any ideas

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Commented on 2021-07-10 05:43:06

A massive job, looks close to a real feedlot.Who cares if the cows dont move. Love to play the map but to much for my old PC.

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