Canadian Prairie Map v1.0


- Fruits
- Fields
- Animals
- Greenhouses
- Sawmills merged into one building
and many more.


GIANTS Software

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Commented on 2016-01-18 13:57:52

I looked at your map, and it's the worst conceived map that I have seen in a long time.

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Commented on 2016-01-18 16:03:28

auweija die map ist unspielbar, also schrott. bitte bearbeiten. aber zack zack

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

add a freeway

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Commented on 2016-01-18 19:28:04

@SWEET250 why do you shut up and make a better one then maggot.

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Commented on 2016-01-18 20:41:41

zle zrobione tekstury są biale jak sklep drogi drzewa silosy itd

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:10

this map and horrible and map not make sense not worth anything but not worth making the map says it has much the same as others and that changes so plants who made the map should play

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:25:53

So are these comments truthful or is this just more petty, small, bickering between childish kiddies?

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Commented on 2016-01-19 13:10:40

Simon say what the hell did you just say Talk about not making sense. Add a freeway get a clue and add it your self. Same for you sweet250. Map does have issue's and mine wasn't layout or anything else it was a massive lag issue at start point even with settings turned to absolute low it still had lag. But keep it up map has a lot of promise.

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Commented on 2016-01-19 14:32:51

na da schauen wir mal ob die V2 was wird

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Commented on 2016-01-19 15:00:53

I love plesnt valey map fs2015 it has a race way nd home doport and a mine

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Commented on 2016-01-19 15:02:00

hey gord why don't you eat shit and piss on your self

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Commented on 2016-01-19 18:07:38

Being from the Canadian prairies myself, I'm gonna check it out.
BTW I've seen highways but never freeways which are usually multi lane highways. I guess some people don't know what the prairies are like and that being the case should not knock it. At least this modder made an effort to make a map, wether it be good or bad, kudos to him for at least trying,it is a learning experience as you go.

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Commented on 2016-01-19 22:46:20

Well after downloading and checking it all out, I think it's a great looking map, I never had any lag issues and think it would make a perfect single player game. He has lots going on in the map, lots to do and alot of newer interesting things, like the newer sawmills and animals, just to name a few. Great job.

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