Check Rates v1.3


The script is very similar to the MinMax-Script by IManAsap indicating the respective best selling price for each product.
Here, the sale price is also compared to the base price and the result is given in percent, so you can see if the price is good or bad. 100% are what you get at the best outlet for the product as basic price.
High demands and the "Station Bonus" are taken into account.

Values below 95% are shown in red,
95% to 105% are yellow,
105% is green and
130% dark green.

On Bjornholm wheat has the basic price 290 € per 1000l.
The train station pays 76% of it and then an additional bonus of 66%.
So you get at the station 290 * 0.76 * 1.66 = 366 € for 1000l.
Since all other outlets pay less, the best base price for wheat on Bjorn Holm 366 €.
The current retail price of wheat is therefore always compared with 366 €

The HUD is activated by the division key on the keypad.
As long as you hold the button pushed, you can change the settings:
Use the arrow keys to position the HUD and Ctrl-left to toggle the trainstationbonus

The consideration of the station bonus can now be turned off
The HUD-Position can be changed
Settings are saved


Gooru / Olaf72

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