Compass v2


Displays a compass on the screen while in a motorized vehicle.
Note! It will NOT drive the vehicle for you! - It only displays a compass, and thats it!
There are eight default preset positions, which can be cycled through using the action 'Compass position' (default keys: LEFT-ALT C).
When quitting the map, the Compass_Config.XML file - placed in the MODS folder - is updated with the available presets and current selected one.

Default action/key assignments:
LEFT-ALT C - Compass position

This mod's script files MAY NOT, SHALL NOT and MUST NOT be embedded in any other mod nor any map-mod! - However it is accepted if this mod is packed into a mod-pack archive, when this mod's original ZIP-file and hash-value is kept intact.
Please do NOT upload this mod to any other hosting site - I can do that myself, when needed!
Keep the original download link!

Problems or bugs?
If you encounter problems or bugs using this mod, please use the support-thread at - Find the mod (and correct version) in the mods section, in category 'Other - Game Scripts'.


Script: Decker_MMIV

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